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    Title: 沙烏地阿拉伯干預葉門內戰之研究,2015-2023
    A Study of the Saudi Intervention in the Yemeni Civil War, 2015-2023
    Authors: 蕭椀榕
    Hsiao, Wan-Rong
    Contributors: 李登科
    Lee, Deng-Ker
    Hsiao, Wan-Rong
    Keywords: 沙烏地阿拉伯
    Saudi Arabia
    Yemeni civil war
    Military intervention
    National interest
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-08-05 15:04:17 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 葉門受到阿拉伯之春的影響,在2014年爆發內戰。沙烏地阿拉伯作為長期以來干預葉門內部事務最重要的外部行為者,在2015年3月以大規模空襲揭開干預葉門內戰的序幕。本文梳理葉門內戰的背景和爆發原因,從國家利益視角探討沙烏地阿拉伯最初介入葉門內戰之動機,並以國際、區域和國內三個層次,分析影響沙烏地阿拉伯對葉門政策轉變的因素,進一步觀察沙烏地阿拉伯在葉門目標的改變如何影響干預手段的變化,同時評估沙烏地阿拉伯干預葉門內戰的成敗得失以及面臨的挑戰。

    The wave of the Arab Spring reached Yemen and eventually led to the outbreak of civil war in 2014. Saudi Arabia, as the most important external actor, has a long history of intervening in Yemeni internal affairs. In March 2015, Saudi Arabia launched large-scale airstrikes against Yemen, marking the beginning of its intervention in the Yemeni civil war. This study provides an overview of the background and causes of the Yemeni civil war, examines Saudi Arabia’s initial motives for intervention in Yemen from the perspective of national interest, and analyzes factors affecting the shift in Saudi Arabia’s Yemen policy with three dimensions, which are international, regional and domestic. Furthermore, this study explains how the change in Saudi Arabia’s goals in Yemen is reflected in the evolution of its intervention strategies. Finally, this paper makes an assessment of the overall intervention and the challenges Saudi Arabia faces in the future.

    This paper argues that Saudi Arabia intervened in the Yemeni civil war with the aim of consolidating and promoting its political, economic and security interests. The year 2019 marks a significant turning point. Driven by international, regional and domestic factors, Saudi Arabia changed its originally planned objective in the Yemeni civil war and also shifted its strategies from focusing on military operations and economic blockades to an emphasis on political means. Overall, Saudi Arabia’s intervention in the Yemeni civil war has paid a very high cost, but accomplished quite limited achievements by 2023.
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