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    Title: 漢譯聖經附註釋之研究 (1803-2022)
    A Study of Notes in Chinese Bibles (1803-2022)
    Authors: 劉遠見
    Liu, Yuan-Jian
    Contributors: 蔡源林

    Liu, Yuan-Jian
    Keywords: 漢譯聖經
    Chinese Bible
    Theological Interpretation
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-08-05 15:04:02 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 聖經漢譯的歷史源遠流長,然而,漢譯聖經的註釋、連同聖經註釋書,缺少有系統、全面性的研究。本文以文獻考察為主,量化統計為輔,沿著歷史軸線,研究1803-2022年之漢譯聖經附註釋的譯本,連同聖經註釋書,在註釋之數量、內容、形式上的發展情形;本文亦從處境化、隱喻、神學詮釋等視角,進一步探究聖經註釋,並提供跨譯本的比較視野。藉由探究漢語聖經註釋之歷史發展,肯定了聖經漢譯史上,聖經註釋的定位與重要性;藉由對聖經處境化的初步探究,瞭解聖經漢譯之初,聖經譯者如何使用註釋促進文本的處境化;也藉由對聖經隱喻的探究,認識到註釋如何輔助解釋聖經隱喻,並反應出不同的解經與神學詮釋觀點,而展現出既多元又包羅的比較視野,值得讀者進行相互比較及思辨。總體而言,註釋之於漢譯聖經,有著不可或缺、舉足輕重的地位。
    The history of Chinese Bible and its studies has long been well established. However, there is a lack of systematic and comprehensive research on notes, annotations, and commentaries in Chinese Bibles. In this dissertation, we focus on the development of the quantity, contents, and forms of notes in Chinese Bible studies from 1803 to 2022 along the historical axis by means of documentary research, supplemented by quantitative statistics. This dissertation also explores the biblical notes from the perspectives of contextualization, metaphors, and theological interpretation, providing a comparative vision of inter-translations. Our study of historical development of Biblical notes in Chinese confirms the significance of the Biblical annotations and connotations. The current concern of biblical contextualization helps us appreciate and understand how translators contributed to using notes to promote contextualization. Moreover, we discuss how biblical notes have assisted in interpreting biblical metaphors and simultaneously reflected various hermeneutical and theological perspectives, thus presenting diverse and inclusive comparative perspectives that engage readers in further comparison and critical reading. In conclusion, notes play an indispensable and important role in Chinese Bible and the Biblical studies.
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