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    Title: 因應國家雙語政策新手教師之專業發展和教學與信念轉變
    From Policy to Practice: Autoethnographic Research on a Novice Taiwanese Teacher's Professional Development
    Authors: 康力心
    Kang, Li-sin
    Contributors: 劉怡君
    Liu, Yi-chun
    Kang, Li-sin
    Keywords: 雙語政策
    Bilingual policy
    Interconnected Model of Teacher Professional Growth
    Teacher professional development
    Teachers’ beliefs
    Teachers' strategies
    Novice teachers
    Autoethnographic research
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-08-05 15:00:06 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 為因應台灣新推出的雙語政策,這項行動研究深入探討了我作為國中英語老師於兩個月內的教學成長歷程。本研究為一自我民族誌研究,採用Clarke & Hollingsworth (2002)《教師專業成長的相互關聯模型》作為理論框架來探索和審視自我的教學經歷,調和雙語政策期望和實務教學之間的落差。在三個研究的教學反思週期中,我透過反思性教學日誌、問卷和訪談收集多樣化資料,助我在教學情境中自我對話,一邊檢視學生對英語口說和教師教學的看法,探索可行的英語口語教學。這個觀察、反思、修訂、協商、改變的過程促進了我的教學專業發展。本研究揭示了新手教師在嘗試配合國家雙語政策而採用英語授課時所面臨的困難和掙扎,進一步呈現教師專業發展和課堂互動演變之間的微妙動態。
    In response to Taiwan's new bilingual policy, this autoethnographic research delved into my teaching growth as a junior high school English teacher within two months. Using Clarke & Hollingsworth's (2002) "Interrelated Model of Teacher Professional Growth" as a theoretical framework, I reflected on my own teaching experience. In the three teaching reflection cycles of research actions, I developed a perception of my teaching situation, gaining an understanding of students' views on English speaking and teaching methods. This process guided the step-by-step modification of bilingual teaching practices. Specifically, the present study uncovered the hidden difficulties and struggles I faced when aligning my teaching with the top-down language policy. The results presented the nuanced dynamics between teachers' professional development and classroom interactions.
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