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Title: | 以跨模態可塑性建構色彩感知之可行性研究 Exploring the Feasibility of Enhancing Color Perception through Cross-modal Plasticity |
Authors: | 連彥筑 Lien, Yen-Chu |
Contributors: | 鄭霈絨 廖峻鋒 Cheng, Pei-Jung Liao, Chun-Feng 連彥筑 Lien, Yen-Chu |
Keywords: | 色彩認知 色彩學習經驗 跨模態可塑性 實體使用者介面 color cognition color learning experience cross-modal plasticity tangible user interface |
Date: | 2024 |
Issue Date: | 2024-08-05 14:53:45 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究旨在了解人們在喪失視覺的情況下,是否能透過跨模態可塑性(Cross- modal Plasticity) 而產生感官間的交互、共感與補償等方式來接收色彩資訊,並 進一認知與感受色彩。因,本研究參考「聲音—色彩」對應關係的研究,製 作一套具備實體化使用者介面概念的色彩體驗輔具,讓使用者能透過聲音裝置反 饋色卡上所對應的色彩,進而鼓勵他們主動探索並在互動的過程中認知與感受每 一張色卡上的色彩。本研究分別邀請 10 位「常視力者」矇眼與 12 位「視覺障 礙者」進行色彩體驗實驗,來探究跨模態可塑性應用在喪失視覺狀態的可行性。 本研究於實驗前、後進行半結構式訪談,並以質性分析方法探討兩組受測者在色 彩體驗實驗後,其色彩認知、跨模態可塑性與學習經驗上的差異。 研究結果顯示:(1)無論是視力力常者或視覺障礙者,在喪失視覺感官 時,均能夠透過跨模態的可塑性,以聽覺來接收色彩資訊;(2)他們在實際操 作色彩體驗實驗輔具前均能建立「聲音-色彩」之對應概念,並在多次操作輔具 後,能夠自主判斷不同色卡上的色彩差異;(3)實體使用者介面之立即反饋特 性,能夠讓受測者快速比較不同色卡的聲音差異來認知色彩;(4)無論是視力 力常者或視覺障礙者,在操作色彩體驗實驗輔具後都增加了使用「比較詞」的 詞彙數量來描述色彩;(5)部分視覺障礙者認為透過色彩體驗實驗之輔具自主 學習色彩,能夠幫助自己進行更廣泛的溝通,並能進一運用色彩來抒發心情。 This study aims to understand whether, in the condition of vision absence, people can receive color information through cross-modal plasticity, which involves sensory interaction, synesthesia, and compensation. By referencing research on the 'sound- color' correspondence, this study developed a color experience assistive device with a tangible user interface concept. This device allows users to receive feedback on the corresponding colors of color cards through a sound device, encouraging them to actively explore and interactively perceive and experience the colors on each card. The study invited 10 'sighted' individuals with blindfolds and 12 'visually impaired' individuals to participate in color experience experiments to explore the feasibility of applying cross-modal plasticity in the condition of vision absence. Semi- structured interviews were conducted before and after the experiment, and qualitative analysis methods were used to explore the differences in color perception, cross-modal plasticity, and learning experiences between the two groups of participants after the color experience experiment. The research results show that: (1) Both sighted individuals and visually impaired individuals can receive color information through auditory perception via cross-modal plasticity when they lose their visual sense; (2) They can establish a 'sound-color' correspondence concept before using the color experience assistive device and, after multiple uses, can independently recognize the color differences on different color cards; (3) The immediate feedback characteristic of the tangible user interface allows participants to quickly compare the sound differences of different color cards to recognize colors; (4) Both sighted and visually impaired individuals increased the use of 'comparative adjectives' to describe colors after using the color experience assistive device; (5) Some visually impaired individuals believe that independently learning colors through the color experience assistive device can help them communicate more broadly and further use colors to express their emotions. |
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