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Title: | 圖書館之數位轉型及數位化策略探討: 以國家圖書館與大英圖書館為例 Exploration of Digital Transformation and Digital Strategies in Libraries: A Case Study of the National Central Library and the British Library |
Authors: | 林郁雯 Lin, Yu-Wen |
Contributors: | 李沛錞 Lee, Pei-Chun 林郁雯 Lin, Yu-Wen |
Keywords: | 數位轉型 數位化策略 國家圖書館 大英圖書館 Digital Transformation Digital Strategy National Central Library British Library |
Date: | 2024 |
Issue Date: | 2024-08-05 14:52:06 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 在全球逐步邁向數位轉型的趨勢之下,數位轉型勢在必行。有鑒於過去圖書館的數位轉型尚未被充分討論;同時亦缺乏探討當圖書館面對數位化趨勢與全球疫情衝擊下所需具備之數位化策略,本研究旨於探討圖書館在數位轉型趨勢下所運用之數位化策略,並以我國國家圖書館(以下簡稱國圖)及英國大英圖書館為個案研究對象,深入分析在數位轉型過程與全球疫情衝擊下,如何強化其知識創造、資訊交流、社群擴展之多元影響力,以建構其數位化策略及多元服務提供。本研究也強調圖書館未來可以藉由善用數位化策略,以期能夠預測危機並應對任何未知的威脅。
為擴大推廣國圖珍貴文獻資產其館藏應用,本研究建議,國圖擴展新興技術的應用以利資源整合並將空間活化利用,關注科技發展將其應用於圖書館實務面向,盡可能配合使用者需求進一步創新轉型,另一方面應持續與教學結合將圖書館利用教育融入課程促使內容更趨於完善。前瞻未來,為彰顯我國之軟實力,建議國圖深植品牌形象與影響力,期帶領公眾重新認識新時代圖書館功能與價值。圖書館如何在保有其角色與功能下,同時激發創意以利達成數位轉型目標,無疑已成為圖書館發展更多創新服務與轉型技術並邁向永續發展之重要課題。 Under the global trend towards digital transformation, digitalization is becoming increasingly imperative. Given the insufficient discussion on the digital transformation of libraries in the past, as well as the lack of exploration into the digital strategies required for libraries to face digitalization trends and the impact of global pandemics, this study aims to explore the digital strategies employed by libraries under the trend of digital transformation. It focuses on case studies of the National Central Library and the British Library, analyzing in-depth how they strengthen their knowledge creation, information exchange, and community outreach during the process of digital transformation and under the impact of global pandemics. The aim is to construct digital strategies and diverse service offerings. The study also emphasizes the future potential for libraries to anticipate crises and respond to unknown threats through effective digital strategies.
This research utilizes the development aspects of digital transformation and digital strategies as analytical dimensions, aiming to apply the concepts of digital transformation and digital strategies to library service dimensions. The results show that both the National Central Library and the British Library are committed to digitizing their collections, establishing digital platforms, promoting digital collection resources, and providing electronic services. These efforts not only improve the accessibility and usability of library resources but also enhance knowledge dissemination and innovation, demonstrating the societal functions and values of libraries. However, there are some differences between the two, with the British Library placing more emphasis on developmental applications, while the National Central Library focuses more on providing diversified electronic services and building various digital platforms.
This study further conducted in-depth interviews with relevant personnel involved in the National Central Library's digital transformation and digital strategy development. Publishing industry professionals were also included as subjects for triangulation testing, to collect their perspectives and practical experiences on this topic. The aim was to explore the diverse digital service offerings of libraries. Both groups of interviewees acknowledged that continuous innovations in information technology enable organizations to enhance efficiency through resource integration, thereby transforming operational models and driving organizational digital transformation. Both groups also agreed that, compared to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, financial constraints posed a more immediate challenge to organizations implementing digital transformation. While the pandemic did not directly affect organizations, both groups had different perspectives on its broader implications: publishing industry professionals noted changes in operational and thought patterns affecting workplace dynamics, whereas personnel involved in the National Central Library's digital transformation and digital strategy development highlighted significant impacts on service delivery. As a result, they remain committed to enhancing various user services through value-added applications.
To expand the utilization of the National Central Library's precious archival resources, this study suggests that the National Central Library should enhance the application of emerging technologies to facilitate resource integration and optimize space utilization. Focusing on technological advancements and their application in library practices, efforts should be made to innovatively transform services to the greatest extent possible to meet user needs. Additionally, there should be continued integration with education to incorporate library usage into curricula, thereby enhancing content comprehensiveness. Looking forward, to showcase our country's soft power, it is proposed that the National Central Library deepen its brand image and influence, leading the public to reassess the functions and values of libraries in the new era. How libraries can maintain their roles and functions while fostering creativity to achieve digital transformation goals has undoubtedly become a crucial issue for libraries as they develop more innovative services, adopt transformational technologies, and move towards sustainable development. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 圖書資訊與檔案學研究所 111155002 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0111155002 |
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