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Title: | 主管言語攻擊與部屬結果: 自我落差的中介角色與正念的調節效果 Supervisors’ Verbal Aggressiveness and Subordinates’ Outcomes: the Mediating Role of Self-Discrepancy and the Moderating Role of Mindfulness |
Authors: | 王婉庭 Wang, Wan-Ting |
Contributors: | 郭建志 王婉庭 Wang, Wan-Ting |
Keywords: | 主管言語攻擊 自我落差 正念 部屬結果 Supervisor verbal aggressiveness Self-discrepancy Mindfulness Subordinate outcomes |
Date: | 2024 |
Issue Date: | 2024-08-05 14:49:29 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究以自我落差理論(self-discrepancy theory)為基礎,探究部屬面對主管言語攻擊行為的影響歷程及效果,特別是從正、負向度探討對部屬的工作情感與工作行為之影響。此外,本研究也探討正念在這個影響歷程的調節角色,用來說明其對主管言語攻擊行為的緩衝效果。研究方法:本研究以「與同一位主管共事滿6個月以上的成年受僱者」為研究對象,採間隔兩個星期的二階段資料搜集方式,進行網路問卷的資料蒐集,共回收360份有效問卷。本研究測量內容包含主管言語攻擊、正念、自我落差、正向工作情感、負向工作情感、組織公民行為及職場退縮行為。 研究結果顯示,(1)主管言語攻擊與部屬的自我落差之間有正向關聯。(2)部屬的自我落差分別與其正向工作情感和組織公民行為具負向關聯、與其負向工作情感和職場退縮行為具正向關聯。(3)部屬的自我落差對主管言語攻擊與各項部屬結果(正向工作情感、負向工作情感、組織公民行為、職場退縮行為)間的關係皆具有中介效果。(4)正念會正向調節部屬的自我落差在主管言語攻擊與部屬結果(正向工作情感、負向工作情感、組織公民行為、職場退縮行為)之間的中介效果。(5)不論在高或低程度的主管言語攻擊,高正念程度部屬的自我落差皆低於低正念程度部屬。最後,根據本研究結果進行討論,並提出研究限制、未來研究方向、理論與實務貢獻。 This study is based on the self-discrepancy theory and explores the impact process and effects of subordinates facing supervisors’ verbal aggressiveness, particularly examining the influence on subordinates' workplace affect and behaviors from both positive and negative dimensions. Additionally, the study investigates the moderating role of mindfulness in this impact process to elucidate its buffering effect on supervisors’ verbal aggressiveness. The study focuses on employed adults who have worked with the same supervisor for more than 6 months and employs a two-wave data collection method spaced two weeks apart through online surveys, resulting in 360 valid responses. The measured variables include supervisors’ verbal aggressiveness, mindfulness, self-discrepancy, positive workplace affect, negative workplace affect, organizational citizenship behavior, and workplace withdrawal behavior. The research results indicate that (1) there is a positive correlation between supervisors’ verbal aggressiveness and subordinates' self-discrepancy. (2) Subordinates' self-discrepancy is negatively correlated with their positive work affect and organizational citizenship behavior, and positively correlated with their negative work affect and job withdrawal behavior. (3) Subordinates' self-discrepancy mediates the relationship between supervisors’ verbal aggressiveness and various subordinate outcomes (positive work affect, negative work affect, organizational citizenship behavior, job withdrawal behavior). (4) Mindfulness positively moderates the mediating effect of subordinates' self-discrepancy on the relationship between supervisors’ verbal aggressiveness and subordinate outcomes (positive work affect, negative work affect, organizational citizenship behavior, job withdrawal behavior). (5) Regardless of the level of supervisors’ verbal aggressiveness, subordinates with high mindfulness have lower self-discrepancy than those with low mindfulness. Finally, based on the research results, discussions are conducted, and research limitations, future research directions, and theoretical and practical contributions are proposed. |
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