題名: | 特殊教育學校教師心理資本、知覺學校行政支持與工作倦怠關係之研究 A Study of the Relationships among Teachers' Psychological Capital, Perceptions of School Administrative Support, and Burnout of the teacher in Special Education School |
作者: | 李洪陞 LEE, Hung-Sheng |
貢獻者: | 秦夢群 李洪陞 LEE, Hung-Sheng |
關鍵詞: | 特殊教育學校 心理資本 知覺學校行政支持 工作倦怠 Special Education Schools Psychological Capital Perceptions of School Administrative Support Job Burnout |
日期: | 2024 |
上傳時間: | 2024-08-05 14:31:02 (UTC+8) |
摘要: | 本研究旨在瞭解國內特殊教育學校教師心理資本、知覺學校行政支持與工作倦怠之現況,並分析在不同背景變項下的特殊教育學校教師,心理資本、知覺學校行政支持與工作倦怠之差異情形,最後探究心理資本、知覺學校行政支持對於工作倦怠之預測力情形。 本研究採問卷調查法,共計抽樣28所學校,實際發放之問卷共計450份紙本問卷,回收402份,經計算後得有效問卷數為385份。問卷回收率為85.5%。問卷調查結果以描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關係數與多元逐步迴歸分析等加以分析探討。 本研究結果獲致之結論,茲依序說明如下: 一、特殊教育學校教師「心理資本」之知覺程度屬於中高程度,其中以「自我效能」之構面知覺程度最高,「韌性」之構面知覺程度最低。 二、特殊教育學校教師「知覺學校行政支持」之知覺程度屬於中高程度,其中以「專業知能研習」之構面知覺程度最高,「課程及教學」之構面知覺程度最低。 三、特殊教育學校教師「工作倦怠」之知覺程度屬於中等偏低程度,其中以「情緒耗竭」之構面知覺程度最高,屬中等程度表現;「人情淡薄」之構面知覺程度最低,屬中低程度表現。 四、特殊教育學校教師「心理資本」之程度,在「性別」、「年齡」、「擔任職務」、「服務年資」與「任教階段」上,具有顯著差異。 五、特殊教育學校教師「知覺學校行政支持」之程度,在「性別」與「學校地區」上,具有顯著差異。 六、特殊教育學校教師「工作倦怠」之程度,在「性別」、「年齡」、「擔任職務」與「服務年資」上,具有顯著差異。 七、特殊教育學校教師「心理資本」與「知覺學校行政支持」之整體與各分項構面間,具有顯著正相關。 八、特殊教育學校教師「心理資本」、「知覺學校行政支持」與「工作倦怠」之整體與各分項構面間,具有顯著負相關。 九、特殊教育學校教師「心理資本」、「知覺學校行政支持」對「工作倦怠」之預測力,以「心理資本」的預測力較佳。 本研究依據研究結果提出結論與建議,供不同地區之各級教育主管機關、學校組織、校長、教師、教育相關人員與未來研究者之參考。 The purpose of this study was to investigate the current status of psychological capital, perceptions of school administrative support, and job burnout among teachers in domestic special education schools. It analyzes differences in psychological capital, perceptions of school administrative support, and job burnout among special education school teachers under various background variables. Then it explores the relationship between the three variables. Finally, it explores the predictive power of psychological capital and perceptions of school administrative support on job burnout. The research employed a questionnaire survey method, sampling a total of 28 special education schools. A total of 450 paper questionnaires were distributed, with 402 returned. After computation, 385 responses were deemed valid, resulting in a response rate of 85.5%. Data analysis utilized descriptive statistics, independent samples t-tests, one-way ANOVA, Pearson correlation coefficients, and multiple stepwise regression analysis. The conclusions drawn from this study are as follows: 1.Special education school teachers perceive a moderate to high level of "psychological capital," with the highest perception in the facet of "self-efficacy" and the lowest in "resilience." 2.Special education school teachers perceive a moderate to high level of " perceptions of school administrative support," with the highest perception in the facet of "professional competence development" and the lowest in "curriculum and instruction." 3.Special education school teachers perceive a moderate to slightly low level of "job burnout," with the highest perception in the facet of "emotional exhaustion," indicating a moderate level; and the lowest perception in the facet of "depersonalization," indicating a low to moderate level. 4.The level of "psychological capital" among special education school teachers varies significantly based on "gender," "age," "position held," "years of service," and "teaching stage." 5.The level of " perceptions of school administrative support " among special education school teachers varies significantly based on "gender" and "school location." 6.The level of "job burnout" among special education school teachers varies significantly based on "gender," "age," "position held," and "years of service." 7.There is a significant positive correlation between overall "psychological capital" and " perceptions of school administrative support," as well as their respective sub-dimensions. 8.There is a significant negative correlation between overall "psychological capital," " perceptions of school administrative support," and "job burnout," as well as their respective sub-dimensions. 9."Psychological capital" and " perceptions of school administrative support " have significant predictive power for "job burnout" among special education school teachers, with "psychological capital" demonstrating stronger predictive capability. |
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