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    Title: 兒少團體家庭專業助人工作者替代性創傷經驗探討
    A Study on the Vicarious Trauma Experiences of Professional Helpers in Group Home
    Authors: 黃大瑄
    Huang, Ta-Hsuan
    Contributors: 宋呈澔
    Huang, Ta-Hsuan
    Keywords: 替代性創傷
    Vicarious trauma
    Group home
    Professional helpers
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-08-05 14:28:24 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究旨在探討兒少團體家庭中專業助人工作者之替代性創傷經驗,以了解助人工作者如何經驗到替代性創傷,以及替代性創傷的影響、因應方式與意義。
    (1) 團體家庭的助人工作者處於形成替代性創傷的風險中
    (2) 兒少反覆出現的創傷反應容易使助人工作者形成替代性創傷
    (3) 團體家庭的助人工作者較不易覺察自身狀況是受到替代性創傷的影響
    (4) 團體家庭的助人工作者應找到適合的方式因應與預防替代性創傷,其中自
    This study aims to explore the experiences of vicarious trauma among professional helpers working in group home, in order to understand how they experience vicarious trauma, impacts, coping strategies, and the meaning to the helpers.
    This study used phenomenological approach and methodology. The study also used in-depth interviews to collect, encode, and analyze the data of the experiences of six helpers in group home. The conclusions of the study are as follows:
    1.Helpers in group home are at risk of developing vicarious trauma.
    2.Repeated exposure to trauma reactions in children and adolescents can lead helpers to experience vicarious trauma.
    3.Helpers in group home may have difficulty recognizing their own is affected by vicarious trauma.
    4.Helpers in group home should find their own strategies to cope and prevent vicarious trauma, and the self-awareness is the key.
    Based on the results of the study, suggestions are provided for group homes, professional training programs, and helpers. They are aim to prevent or reduce vicarious trauma among helpers in group home and serve as a reference for future professionals in related fields.
    Reference: 一、中文文獻
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