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    Title: 金門縣公務員留任因素的研究:離島地域加給的角色
    A Study of Factors Influencing Retention of Civil Servants in Kinmen County: The Role of Regional Allowance
    Authors: 陳明弘
    Chen, Ming-Hong
    Contributors: 施能傑
    Shih, Jay N.
    Chen, Ming-Hong
    Keywords: 公務人力資源管理
    Public Human Resource Management
    Retention Factors
    Regional allowance
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-08-05 14:24:15 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 近年來,不僅私部門面臨到留才相關的問題,公部門也同樣具有人才管理上的困境,儘管公部門在薪資上仍有著市場競爭力,但隨著業務的增長,外部產業薪資越開越高的情況下,公部門在難以招攬想要人才的同時亦難保證能留住優秀的人才。尤其對於偏鄉及離島地區更是嚴重。根據銓敘部統計年報的資料顯示,金馬地區相較於六都而言,有著更高比例的公務員選擇調、離職,也因此對於這些地區而言,留任問題勢必需要解決。
    In recent years, both the private and public sectors have faced challenges related to talent retention. Despite competitive salaries in the public sector, there is a growing difficulty in hiring excellent personnel, particularly as salaries in other industries rise. This issue is especially severe in rural and outflying island areas. According to statistics from the Ministry of Examination's annual report, compared to major cities, the Kinmen region has a higher proportion of civil servants opting to transfer or resign. Therefore, retention issues in these areas is crucial.

    Various governments worldwide have implemented retention mechanisms tailored to specific regions, often focusing on salary incentives. Since 1990, Taiwan has had a Regional Allowance system aimed at encouraging civil servants to stay. However, these areas still face retention challenges. This study aims to understand why civil servants working in Kinmen County choose to stay, exploring the significance of regional allowances and other factors influencing their retention decisions.

    Through interviews with 12 civil servants currently employed in Kinmen, Regional Allowances emerged as a significant factor influencing retention. Additionally, the region's unique clan culture, interpersonal dynamics, and resource
    constraints also affect retention intentions for some civil servants. To comprehensively examine civil servants' perspectives, the study distributed questionnaires with the assistance of the Kinmen County Government's Personnel Department, receiving 138 valid responses. The results confirmed that the Regional Allowance system significantly affects civil servants' decisions to stay, regardless of whether they are native to Kinmen people. Interestingly, family considerations emerged as the second most influential factor after Regional Allowances. Moreover, the study found that the generous amount of the regional allowance in Kinmen currently dissuades some civil servants from seeking promotions or transfers to the Taiwan
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