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    Title: 內外控傾向對公務人員創新行為之影響-組織繁文縟節的調節效果
    The Impacts of Locus of Control on Innovative Behaviors for Public Servants-The Moderation Effects of Organizational Red Tape
    Authors: 商嘉禾
    Shang, Jia-He
    Contributors: 董祥開
    Shang, Jia-He
    Keywords: 公務人員
    Public Servants
    Innovative Work Behavior
    Locus of Control
    Red Tape
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-08-05 14:23:17 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 「創新」這個議題過去多以私部門為主,僅近年才出現公部門背景的研究,其中個人層次與組織層次因素的相互作用鮮少為人討論,因此本研究希望將「內外控傾向」的人格特質,與公部門「繁文縟節」的組織特徵結合討論,並藉由互動論架構及自我驗證理論進行分析,探討兩者的相互作用如何影響公務人員的創新行為。本研究使用次級資料分析法,資料來源為第四期「台灣文官調查」(TGBS-Ⅳ)中的第二波調查,研究對象為我國現職公務人員,共計722份有效樣本。研究結果發現: (1)內控特質正向影響創新行為及其面向;(2)依法行政繁文縟節顯著調節內控特質與創新行為之間關係;(3)依法行政繁文縟節顯著調節內控特質與創新行為面向(想法提倡及想法實現)之間關係。研究結論指出具備內控特質的公務人員為執行創新行為的潛在者,組織可以透過人力資源管理措施來發掘創新人才,並通過賦權與培訓推動公務人員創新。更為重要的是,政府機關應檢視組織繁文縟節情形,因本研究發現繁文縟節導致弱內控特質的公務人員牴觸創新,可以透過識別規則,針對失去功能與目的的規則予以調整,提供公務人力自由發揮才能的創新空間。
    The topic of "innovation" has traditionally been dominated by the private sector, with research on the public sector emerging only in recent years. There has been little discussion on the interaction between individual-level and organizational-level factors in this context. Therefore, this study aims to explore the interaction between the personality trait of "locus of control" and the organizational characteristic of "red tape" in the public sector. Using the framework of interactionism and self-verification theory, the study analyzes how these interactions affect the innovative behavior of civil servants. This research employs secondary data analysis, using data from the second wave of the fourth " Taiwan Government Bureaucrats Survey " (TGBS-IV), targeting currently employed civil servants in Taiwan, with a total of 722 valid samples.
    The study finds that: (1)An internal locus of control positively influences innovative behavior and its dimensions.(2)Red tape significantly moderates the relationship between an internal locus of control and innovative behavior.(3)Red tape significantly moderates the relationship between an internal locus of control and the dimensions of innovative behavior (idea promotion and idea implementation).The study concludes that civil servants with an internal locus of control are potential agents of innovation. Organizations can identify innovative talents through selection and management measures. Additionally, innovation among civil servants can also be promoted through empowerment and training. More importantly, government agencies should review the extent of organizational red tape, as the study finds that red tape causes civil servants with an external locus of control to resist innovation. Therefore, non-functional regulatory procedures should be adjusted to provide civil servants with the space to freely exercise their innovative potential.
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