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    Title: 網紅團購特性、消費者感知以及行為意圖之關聯性研究
    Examining the Relationships among the Attributes of Influencer-led Group Buying, Consumer Perceptions, and Behavioral Intentions
    Authors: 劉美惠
    Liu, Mei-Hui
    Contributors: 林芝璇
    Lin, Jhih-Syuan
    Liu, Mei-Hui
    Keywords: 網紅團購
    Influencer-led group buying,
    Informativeness value
    Influencer interactivity
    Website usability
    Perceived risk
    Brand trust
    Behavioral intentions
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-08-05 14:10:37 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 在網紅行銷盛行的時代,品牌與網紅發展多元的商業合作模式,其中網紅團購蔚為風潮,逐漸成為大眾熟悉的購物管道,網紅作為社群媒體平台上的影響力代表,引領著粉絲的消費決策。然而目前針對網紅團購效果與消費者行爲的研究尚數有限,本研究就相關文獻進行梳理,探討台灣網紅行銷與網紅團購的發展脈絡,並建立一概念模型,以作為實證研究的基礎。


    Influencer-led group buying has become a trend and gradually emerged as a prevalent shopping channel for consumers. However, research on the effectiveness of influencer-led group buying and consumer behavior in this context is still limited. In light of this, this study reviews relevant literature, explores the growing phenomenon of influencer marketing and influencer-led group buying in Taiwan, and develops a conceptual model as the basis for empirical investigation.

    Specifically, this study examines the informativeness value of influencer-led group buying, influencer interactivity, and website usability as independent variables. It investigates their correlations with perceived risk and brand trust, as well as the downstream behavioral intentions. An online survey was conducted, and a total of 383 valid samples were included in the data analysis. The findings show that the correlations between informativeness value, influencer interactivity, website usability, and perceived risk, as well as between perceived risk and brand trust, were not significant. Perceived risk was found to have no negative relationship with purchase intention and recommendation intention. Conversely, informativeness value, influencer interactivity, and website usability were positively correlated with brand trust, which had positive relationships with purchase intention and recommendation intention. The findings of the post-hoc analysis further confirm that brand trust mediates the relationships between the information value, influencer interactivity, website usability, and behavioral intentions.

    This study contributes to expanding the scope of previous research on influencer marketing. By focusing on the context of influencer-led group buying, it offers important theoretical and managerial implications. These implications not only enhance the current understanding of the psychological mechanisms underlying consumer decision-making processes but also shed light on directions for future research endeavors.
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