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    Title: 閱聽人對吐槽站立喜劇節目之名人形象與接收研究:以《炎上Burn》為例
    Research on the Celebrity Image and Reception of Stand- up Comedy Shows by Audiences: A Case Study of ";Burn"
    Authors: 侯思蘋
    Hou, Ssu-Ping
    Contributors: 陳聖智
    Chen, Sheng-Chih
    Hou, Ssu-Ping
    Keywords: 炎上
    Stand-up Comedy
    Impression Management
    Image Repair
    Reception Analysis
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-08-05 14:09:48 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 喜劇演員慣常以揶揄和嘲諷的方式處理社會議題,對於不熟悉喜劇風格的觀眾而言,可能會造成誤解,使他們難以判斷笑話是否僅為玩笑或喜劇演員真實想法的表達,造成喜劇表演傳達與觀眾認知間的缺口。在站立喜劇中,《炎上BURN》以吐槽和幽默的方式重新詮釋爭議人物作為其表演型態,主持人和嘉賓利用尖銳的言語和笑話互相攻擊,這種群嘲的氛圍往往引發觀眾的笑聲,並可能改變被攻擊者的形象。
    因此,本研究為了探析吐槽站立喜劇對閱聽人認知的影響,以及對名人印象的管理與修護效果,透過形象修護理論與幽默風格為基礎對《炎上愛莉莎莎》進行文本分析,再進而使用質性的研究方法深度訪談11位受訪者對其的看法。研究結果發現具備批判性思維的觀眾能理性解讀喜劇節目,不受其攻擊性言論影響,而對於認知較少或缺乏批判性思維的觀眾,節目可能會強化他們的刻板印象。受訪者對名人參與《炎上 愛莉莎莎》節目後的印象有所改變,主要是增加了正面看法,尤其是對名人展現出勇敢、接受批評的態度和幽默感的認可。此外,綜觀本研究文本中所使用的形象修護策略,愛莉莎莎在各個策略中採用的「逃避責任策略」與「減輕傷害衝擊」中的「超越」、「差異化」和「補償」策略帶來了正面效果。
    Comedians often address social issues through ridicule and satire. For audiences unfamiliar with this comedic style, it may lead to misunderstandings, making it difficult to discern whether the jokes are merely humorous or an expression of the comedian's genuine thoughts, creating a gap between the comedy's message and the audience's perception. In stand-up comedy, "Roast BURN" reinterprets controversial figures through ridicule and humor as its performance style. The hosts and guests attack each other with sharp words and jokes, creating an atmosphere of collective mockery that often provokes laughter and can potentially alter the image of those being mocked.
    This study explores the impact of stand-up comedy shows on the audience, questioning whether, aside from being entertainment, such shows can serve as a new avenue for public image rehabilitation. Through this program, public figures involved can reinterpret their image between humor and offense, turning negative events into entertainment elements and potentially changing the audience's perception of them.
    Therefore, this study aims to investigate the influence of roasting stand-up comedy on audience cognition and its effects on managing and rehabilitating the impressions of celebrities. By applying image repair theory and humor style analysis to the text of "Roast Alisha," and conducting in-depth interviews with 11 respondents about their views, the study found that audiences with critical thinking skills can rationally interpret comedy programs without being influenced by their aggressive language. In contrast, audiences with less knowledge or lacking critical thinking might have their stereotypes reinforced by the program. Respondents reported a change in their impressions of celebrities participating in "Roast Alisha," mainly increasing positive views, particularly recognizing the celebrities' courage, acceptance of criticism, and sense of humor. Additionally, the image repair strategies used in the text, particularly the "evasion of responsibility strategy" and the "reducing offensiveness of event strategy," including "transcendence," "differentiation," and "compensation," had positive effects.
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