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Title: | 全球化下籃球明星的逆向流動:霍華德與林書豪對台灣職籃的經濟與文化意義 Counter-Migrating of Basketball Stars in Globalization Era: Economic and Cultural Influences of Dwight Howard and Jeremy Lin on Taiwanese Professional Basketball |
Authors: | 李采臻 Lee, Tsai-Chen |
Contributors: | 劉昌德 Liu, Chang-De 李采臻 Lee, Tsai-Chen |
Keywords: | 運動員跨國移動 全球化 運動聯盟 籃球 運動勞力遷移 媒體再現 Athlete transnational movement Globalization Sports leagues Basketball Sports labor migration Media representation |
Date: | 2024 |
Issue Date: | 2024-08-05 14:09:26 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 全球化浪潮下,運動員跨國移動變得更加普遍和多樣化。原先由歐美國家主導自邊陲國家尋找勞動力的單一模式已被打破,邊陲國家不再只是輸出菁英運動員,同時也出現更多「反向」輸入歐美中心國家運動員的狀況,此外,「逆全球化」、「反向的全球在地化」在運動場域中逐漸成形。社團法人台灣頂級職業籃球大聯盟永豐雲豹和P. LEAGUE+高雄鋼鐵人分別在2022及2023年招募了霍華德(Dwight Howard)和林書豪,顯見運動產業原本依賴邊陲國家便宜勞動力、追求人事成本最小化的經濟型態也有所改變。運動跨國移民不同於以往的逆向流動、運動的商品化以及媒體為其量身打造的形象等等,使得霍華德與林書豪無論在場上場下皆備受矚目。本研究透過深度訪談、次級資料分析與批判論述分析,探討菁英運動員從中心國家往邊陲國家遷徙的現象,檢視其在經濟與文化層面帶來的影響,以及媒體如何論述這些逆向流動的菁英運動員。
台灣作為全球資本帝國的邊陲,籃球運動領域中也顯示出對美國(NBA)和中國(CBA)的重視,此反映了地緣政治關係,也顯示了對世界籃球強權的認同。媒體報導強調運動員與台灣的在地連結,如霍華德喜愛台灣美食和林書豪將經驗傳授予台灣球員,增強民眾認同感,也彰顯逆全球化的意涵;同時,報導也以兩人在NBA的輝煌成就為切入點,並將「NBA 球星在台灣」視作國族光榮,突顯全球化的影響。儘管現代運動文化強調遷徙運動員的在地連結和異質化發展,但仍能從媒體論述中看出帝國主義的影子,突顯籃球明星全球化流動的政治與運動經濟、文化層面之互動關係。 In the wave of globalization, the transnational movement of athletes has become more common and diverse. The previously dominant model, where European and American countries sourced labor from peripheral nations, has been disrupted. Peripheral countries are no longer merely exporters of elite athletes but also increasingly import athletes from core countries in Europe and America. Additionally, phenomena such as "deglobalization" and "reverse glocalization" are emerging in the sports domain. The Taoyuan Leopards of the T1 League and the Kaohsiung Steelers of the P. LEAGUE+ recruited Dwight Howard in 2022 and Jeremy Lin in 2023, respectively. This indicates a shift in the sports industry' s economic model, which previously relied on cheap labor from peripheral countries to minimize personnel costs. The reverse migration of athletes, the commercialization of sports, and the media's tailored portrayal have made Howard and Lin highly visible both on and off the court. This study employs in-depth interviews, secondary data analysis, and critical discourse analysis to explore the phenomenon of elite athletes migrating from core countries to peripheral ones, examining the economic and cultural impacts and how the media narrates these reverse migrations.
The research shows that when elite athletes from core countries join leagues in peripheral countries, they can attract more spectators and generate more economic revenue, though this does not necessarily improve the team' s strength or lead to more victories. The motivations for athletes' migration are not limited to salary but also include attention, opportunities, and influence, prompting them to choose leagues that better suit their abilities to extend their careers. Media often focus on individual athletes' performances and imbue them with cultural significance, serving as a marketing strategy for professional sports. The importance of athletes managing their own media presence and brand is also highlighted in modern sports culture.
As a periphery of the global capital empire, Taiwan' s basketball field also shows a significant focus on the United States (NBA) and China (CBA), reflecting geopolitical relationships and a recognition of world basketball powers. Media reports emphasize athletes' local connections in Taiwan, such as Howard' s love for Taiwanese cuisine and Lin passing on his experience to Taiwanese players, enhancing public identification and highlighting the meaning of deglobalization. Meanwhile, reports also highlight their NBA achievements, presenting "NBA stars in Taiwan" as a source of national pride and illustrating the impact of globalization. Although modern sports culture emphasizes the local connections and heterogeneous development of migrating athletes, the media discourse still reveals traces of imperialism, highlighting the interactive relationships between the politics, sports economy, and culture in the global movement of basketball stars. |
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