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    Title: 習近平主政下中國推動國際經濟結盟之政治經濟分析
    A Political Economy Analysis of China’s Promotion of International Economic Alliances under the Xi Jinping Administration
    Authors: 張華維
    Chang, Hua-Wei
    Contributors: 高長
    Kao, Chang
    Chang, Hua-Wei
    Keywords: 國際經濟結盟
    International Economic Alliance
    Neoclassical Realism
    Belt Road Initiative
    Free Trade Agreement
    Leader Images
    Strategic Cuture
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-08-05 14:04:46 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本文研究目的即在探討中國自習近平主政時期,提出之國際經濟結盟策略的政經動機、意涵與成果,聚焦國際上重視可能形成東亞區域主義的Mega-FTA(如RCEP、CPTPP)、中國採取漸進主義的FTA升級模式,與中國主動提出的一帶一路倡議等戰略意圖進行深入分析,此有助瞭解,習近平相較過去領導人時期,在推動國際經濟結盟的戰略意圖與成效之差異,研究成果對理論與實務研究有其參考價值,亦為本文之研究貢獻。
    The research purpose of this thesis is to explore political and economic motivations, implications and results of international economic alliance strategies proposed by China since President Xi Jinping took office. We try to conduct in-depth analysis of China’s strategic intentions focusing on Mega-FTAs, such as RCEP、CPTPP- having possibility to East Asia regionalism, China FTA update model by gradualism, and the Belt Road Initiative propsed by China, etc. These enhance to understand the differences in the strategic intentions and effectiveness of Xi Jinping's promotion of international economic alliances compared with previous CCP leaders. The research results have reference value in theory and practice, and is the research contribution of the thesis.

    The resarch questions of the thesis are mainly about what key variables have affected international economic alliance strategies adopted by China during the Xi Jinping period, and what are the strategic intentions behind it. From this point of view, the first step we would like to know is: What progress has China made in international economic alliances? Which theory can be applied? What is a better explanation for China's adoption of the above-mentioned economic alliances under the Xi Jinping administration? What are the shortcomings in the existing literature on China’s international economic alliances?
    This thesis puts forward two main hypotheses- the international level and the domestic level, including six sub-hypotheses. The means that leaders' perception of the change of the international political as well as economic landscape and leaders' understanding of breaking through domestic economic development bottlenecks affects China's active promotion of international economic alliances during the Xi Jinping period.

    In addition, we make use of the research approach-neoclassical realism-including two intervening variables of ledear images and strategic culture under the independent variable of the international system structure-to explore leader’s motivations of promoting internatonal economic alliances, and test the above six sub-hypotheses. This helps us better understand the main motivations and effects for promoting international economic alliances during the Xi Jinping period. Finally, the thesis also examines the effectiveness of China's promotion of international economic alliances from exploring the aspects of trade, investment, and finance.
    Reference: 中文部分


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