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    Title: 自比較法觀點論我國特約條款之理論與法制再建構
    A comparative study on the restruction of special provisions in Taiwan
    Authors: 臧長韋
    Zang, Chang-Wei
    Contributors: 陳俊元
    Chen, Chun-Yuan
    Zang, Chang-Wei
    Keywords: 擔保
    Special provisions
    Insurance act 2015
    Marine. insurance act 1906
    Risk control
    Insurance contracts act 1984
    Marine insurance
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-08-05 14:01:53 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 我國特約條款制度規範在保險法第66至69條,繼受自英美法系國家之擔保制度,依照傳統上向來之區分標準可按照所擔保之內容為契約成立之時、前,抑或是之後分為肯定擔保和允諾擔保,於英國早期違反擔保條款之法律效果為自違反時起自動解除保險之之責任,對照台灣特約條款之法律效果則是依照保險法68條之規定為解除契約,學說上皆普遍認為現行法律效果過於嚴苛,對要保人及被保險人極其不利。

    Articles 66 to 69 of the Insurance Law are special provisions. It is inherited from the warranty of common law countries. According to the traditional distinction standard, the contract can be divided into an affirmative warranty that regulates the past or the current contract conclusion and a promissory warranty that regulates future events. In the early days of the UK, the legal effect of breaching the warranty clause was to terminate the insurance liability from the time of breach automatically. In contrast, the legal impact of Taiwan's clause was to terminate the contract by Article 68 of the Insurance Law. In theory, it is generally believed that the current legal effects are too strict and highly detrimental to policyholders and insureds.

    In 2015, the UK insurance law carried out a drastic reform of the warranty. The original strict compliance clause was revised to adjust as the underwriting risk changes, becoming an absolute risk control clause. This article will trace the development and follow-up of British law revision throughout history. The development of judicial practical judgments, and at the same time, observing the development trends of other countries that also inherited the British warranty from a comparative legal perspective, such as Australia and the United States, sorting out what the warranty should look like in the contemporary era as a reference for our country's future law revisions and proposing amendment suggestions.
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