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    Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: https://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/152741

    Title: 科技供應商如何影響海港競爭力: 以 AI 在歐洲碼頭的應用為例
    The Role of Technology Suppliers in Shaping Competitive Dynamics: The Usage of AI in European Seaport Terminals
    Authors: 李鈺祥
    Lee, Yu-Hsiang
    Contributors: 蔡政憲
    Tsai, Cheng-Hsien
    Lee, Yu-Hsiang
    Keywords: 影像辨識
    Competitive Advantage
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-08-05 13:45:56 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 這篇論文探討科技技術供應商,特別是人工智慧(AI)軟體提供商在歐洲港口碼頭競爭力提升上的關鍵角色。隨著全球貨物運輸量的持續增加,採用AI策略成為一個關鍵重要的解決方案。論文提供了證據和示例,說明港口碼頭如何有效利用AI並與AI提供商合作以提高效率、服務質量和安全性。

    此外,論文深入研究了大港口和小港口之間的差異和競爭,旨在加深我們對AI在競爭優勢長期影響的理解。通過波特(Michael Porter)的差異化策略和VRIN框架的理論基礎,研究提供了技術供應商如何影響和塑造港口碼頭行業長期競爭優勢的見解。

    This paper explores the pivotal role of technology suppliers, particularly AI providers, in shaping competitive dynamics within European seaport terminals. As the global volume of cargo shipments continues to surge, adopting AI strategies emerges as a compelling solution to manage the increasing volume of containers on a daily basis. The thesis provides evidence and examples illustrating how seaport terminals can effectively utilize AI and collaborate with AI providers to enhance efficiency, service quality, and safety.
    Furthermore, the thesis delves into the disparities and competition between large and small port terminals, seeking to deepen our understanding of AI's long-term impact on competitive advantage downstream. By examining the theoretical frameworks of Michael Porter's Differentiation Strategy and the VRIN framework, the research offers insights into how technology suppliers can influence and shape long-term competitive advantage in the seaport terminal industry.
    Through qualitative analysis, the research shows that AI providers can help seaport terminals gain and sustain a long-term competitive advantage, especially in efficiency and service differentiation. However, the benefits are not evenly distributed among all terminals. AI providers strategically select their customers, significantly influencing the distribution of advantages. The study also makes it clear that there is no out-of-the-box AI solution for seaport terminal. Both AI providers and seaport terminals have to work closely together to nurture strong seaport-AI supplier relationships. This collaboration can guarantee the seaport receives tailored services, solutions, and all the assistance needed to transition to an AI seaport.
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