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    Title: 房屋仲介數位化平台之購屋資訊行為研究
    Analyzing the Information-Seeking Patterns of Home Buyers on Digital Real Estate Platforms
    Authors: 劉珮君
    Liu, Pei-Jun
    Contributors: 李沛錞
    Lee, Pei-Chun
    Liu, Pei-Jun
    Keywords: 資訊行為
    information behavior
    homebuyer information behavior
    technology acceptance model
    housing agency digitalization platforms
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-08-05 13:34:37 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 隨著時代與法令之變遷,使的不動產業者陸續走向數位化服務,尤以房屋仲介數位化平台盛行且便捷,因而本研究旨在探討購屋族群中以購屋自住者為主,其使用房屋仲介數位化平台之行為,與平台對其所產生之購屋行為影響。透過自主者中首購與回購二類型購屋者之行為過程,了解房仲數位化平台對購屋者尋求資訊之幫助性,以進一步探究從使用者需求改善平台之方向。

    With the changes of the times and laws, the real estate industry is gradually moving towards digital services, especially the prevalence and convenience of the housing agency digital platform. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the behavior of the homebuyers, mainly the owner-occupants, who use the housing agency digital platform and the impact of the platform on their homebuying behaviors. Through the behavioral processes of first-time buyers and repurchasers, this study aims to understand the usefulness of housing agency digital platforms in helping buyers to seek information, and to further explore the direction of improving the platforms according to the needs of users.

    In this study, the quantitative research method of questionnaires and interviews was used to analyze the information-seeking behavior of first-time home buyers and second-time home buyers among the owner-occupants, and to explore the impact of the digital platform of housing agents on their information-seeking behavior. The interviews were used to explore the information behavior patterns of home buyers and whether the interface and operation of the housing agency's digital platform could satisfy their information needs in purchasing a home and influence their information behavior. Verbatim transcripts and analyses were used to summarize the level and extent of the influence of the housing agency's digital platform on the information behavior of owner-occupant home buyers.

    A mixed study with both qualitative and quantitative data was conducted, in which it was found that home buyers may be influenced by brand impression when choosing a digital platform for real estate agents, and then focus on object information, and emphasize on the search function and search results on the digital platform for real estate agents, and at the same time, expect to have a more innovative and more convenient search function due to the wave of AI digital technology, so as to increase the convenience of the platform for home buyers to seek information on purchasing a flat. We look forward to more innovative and convenient search functions to enhance the convenience of the platform for home buyers.
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