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    Title: 以深度學習藝術影像建立虛擬創客空間
    Building a virtual makerspace with deep learning based art images
    Authors: 黃怜樺
    Huang, Ling-Hua
    Contributors: 羅崇銘
    Lo, Chung-Ming
    Huang, Ling-Hua
    Keywords: 生成式人工智慧
    Generative artificial intelligence
    University libraries
    Virtual generative makerspaces
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-08-05 13:32:56 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 大學圖書館是大學的心臟,支援學習和學術研究,受到學習與教學模式的改變,圖書館建立各種多元的學習空間來滿足師生需求,如資訊共享空間、學習共享空間、虛擬學習空間與創客空間等。創客空間是實現創客精神理念的場所,創客精神鼓勵跨領域學習,強調創造性的思維與解決問題的重要性。傳統的實體創客空間提供3D列印的設備,但受到空間與開館時間的限制而無法隨時提供創作服務,雖然延伸發展出虛擬創客空間,僅僅是提供線上會議或討論的形式,並非虛擬線上的創作。因此大學圖書館應建立一個提供虛擬創作平台的虛擬生成創客空間,結合實體創客空間與線上創作平台,提供生成式人工智慧的工具以創新方法滿足學生多元創作的需求,以Stable Diffusion為例,學生利用文字描述就能生成各種影像,還可搭配不同的外掛工具來調整影像的風格或變化,鼓勵學生發揮創意、實現創作的想法,利用其進行研究或完成各種學習活動。
    為了評估「虛擬生成創客空間與創客精神之間的關聯」,以及對「虛擬生成創客空間使用性」的看法,本研究針對大學的學生和教職員為進行問卷調查,使用Google表單進行線上填答,並透過Facebook進行問卷發放,回收100份有效問卷。根據問卷分析,問卷的Cronbach's Alpha值為0.852,表示問卷具有一致性與信度。問卷的KMO值為0.855,以及Bartlett的球形檢定顯著性小於0.001,代表問卷適合進行因素分析,主成分分析顯示兩個主成分能夠解釋64.644%的變異性,使用李克特量表進行量測,虛擬生成創客空間與創客精神關聯的同意度平均值為4.46,虛擬生成創客空間使用性的同意度平均值為4.68,可以確定問卷能有效反映研究內容。研究結果也發現,無論是性別、單位與身份,都不會影響受訪者對於虛擬生成創客空間的看法。因此,研究結果可以作為未來大學圖書館建立虛擬生成創客空間之參考。
    The university library is the heart of the university, supporting learning and academic research. With changes in learning and teaching modes, libraries have established various diverse learning spaces to meet the needs of teachers and students, such as information commons, virtual learning commons, and makerspaces, etc. The makerspace is a place to fulfill the maker spirit, which encourages interdisciplinary learning and emphasizes the importance of creative thinking and problem-solving. The traditional physical makerspaces provide 3D printing, but they cannot provide creative services at any time. Even though virtual makerspaces have been developed, they only offer online meetings or discussions, not virtually online creations. Therefore, the university library should establish a virtual generative makerspace that combines a physical makerspace with an online creation platform, and provides generative AI tools to innovatively meet the diverse creation needs of students. For instance, with Stable Diffusion, students can use prompt to generate different images or variations with different tools, encouraging students to demonstrate creativity, implement creative ideas, use it for research, or complete various learning activities.
    In order to evaluate the 'relationship between the virtual generative makerspace and the maker spirit,' and the 'usability of the virtual generative makerspace,' this study conducted a questionnaire survey on university students and faculty members. The online questionnaires were filled out through Google Forms and distributed through Facebook, and 100 valid questionnaires were collected. According to the questionnaire analysis, the Cronbach's Alpha of the questionnaire was 0.852, indicating that the questionnaire has consistency and reliability. The KMO of the questionnaire was 0.855, and the significance of Bartlett's test was less than 0.001, indicating that the questionnaire is suitable for factor analysis. Principal component analysis showed that the two main components could explain 64.644% of the variability. The Likert scale was used for measurement. The average degree of agreement of the connection between the virtual generative makerspace and maker spirit was 4.46, and the average degree of agreement of the usability of the virtual generative makerspace was 4.68. It can be confirmed that the questionnaire can effectively reflect the research content. The research results also found that gender, unit, and identity do not affect the respondents' views on the virtual generative makerspace. Therefore, the research results can be used as a reference for university libraries to establish a virtual generative makerspace in the future.
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