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Title: | 永續服務創新對於商業模式成功之影響:以配客嘉為個案研究 The Impact of Sustainable Service Innovation on Business Model Success: Case Study of PackAge+ |
Authors: | 李亮慧 Lee, Liang-Huei |
Contributors: | 鄭至甫 李亮慧 Lee, Liang-Huei |
Keywords: | 永續服務創新 企業決策 商業模式 Sustainable Service Innovation Corporate Decision-Making Business Model |
Date: | 2024 |
Issue Date: | 2024-08-05 13:07:51 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 在全球氣候變遷、戰爭及疫情等因素的影響下,永續議題已成為國際社會的重要關注焦點,各國政府積極整合永續理念於政策之中,推動產業融入永續發展於其經營策略與產品服務。臺灣政府宣布於2050年實現淨零轉型,制定一系列減排與適應策略,促進產業技術提升與綠色轉型。為培育永續、循環、低碳的生活方式,臺灣推出「資源循環零廢棄」與「淨零綠生活」計畫,著重於源頭減量與促進永續消費模式。2023年實施的網購包裝減量法,進一步加強網購包裝的環保管理,促使零售生態系統向綠色轉型邁進。 過往有關ESG的學術研究集中於探討企業營運績效、國際標準影響及ESG評分對企業價值和績效的作用。近年,隨著永續浪潮興起,眾多新創企業將永續作為其核心理念,致力於永續產品、流程和服務的創新,但學術界較少針對永續服務創新做相關討論。本研究透過分析「企業導入永續服務創新的決策」及其對商業模式的影響,探討企業如何通過永續服務創新取得商業模式成功。 本研究案例為一家致力於永續服務創新的新創企業,採用質性研究方法,通過半結構式訪談及相關資料收集,分析企業在推動永續服務創新時的關鍵決策點及其對商業模式成功的影響,發現成功的永續服務創新需考量內外部利益衝突並取得平衡,其創新性、與利害關係人的合作及創造價值能顯著提升企業的競爭力及經濟、環境與社會績效,是商業模式成功的關鍵因素。 隨著國際永續趨勢的發展,未來將出現更多以永續服務創新為核心的新創企業。本研究填補了永續服務創新研究的空白,為未來企業在永續服務創新方面的策略調整與規劃提供實用的管理決策參考。 In the context of global climate change, warfare, and pandemics, sustainability has emerged as a critical focus for international communities. Governments worldwide are actively integrating sustainable practices into policies, urging industries to incorporate these principles into their management strategies and product services. The Taiwanese government has announced its ambition to achieve a net-zero transformation by 2050, establishing a series of emission reduction and adaptation strategies to foster technological advancement and green transformation. To cultivate sustainable, circular, and low-carbon lifestyles, Taiwan has launched initiatives such as the "Zero Waste Resource Recycling" and "Net-Zero Green Living" programs, emphasizing source reduction and the promotion of sustainable consumption patterns. The implementation of the Online Shopping Packaging Reduction Law in 2023 has further strengthened the environmental management of e-commerce packaging, propelling the retail ecosystem towards a green transformation. Past academic research on ESG has primarily focused on corporate operational performance, the impact of international standards, and the effects of ESG ratings on corporate value and performance. In recent years, with the rise of the sustainability wave, many startups have adopted sustainability as their core philosophy, committing to the innovation of sustainable products, processes, and services, though academic discussions on sustainable service innovation have been scant. This study analyzes "the decision-making process for integrating sustainable service innovation" and its impact on business models, examining how companies achieve business model success through sustainable service innovation. The case study in this research is a startup dedicated to sustainable service innovation, using qualitative research methods, semi-structured interviews, and data collection to analyze the key decision points in promoting sustainable service innovation and its impact on business model success. The findings indicate that successful sustainable service innovation requires balancing internal and external conflicts of interest, with its innovativeness, collaboration with stakeholders, and value creation significantly enhancing the company's competitive advantage and performance across economic, environmental, and social dimensions, proving critical to business model success. As the global sustainability trend progresses, more startups centered on sustainable service innovation are expected to emerge. This study fills a gap in research on sustainable service innovation and offers practical management guidelines for future enterprises planning and adjusting strategies in this area. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 科技管理與智慧財產研究所 111364138 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0111364138 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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