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Title: | Web2.0時代下新聞媒體的價值獲取策略 - 以電子時報及商業周刊為例 Value Capture Strategy of News Media in Web2.0 Era – Case Studies of Digitimes and Business Weekly |
Authors: | 彭煜軒 Peng, Yu-Hsuan |
Contributors: | 許牧彥 Hsu, Mu-Yen 彭煜軒 Peng, Yu-Hsuan |
Keywords: | Web2.0 新聞媒體 價值創造 價值獲取 顧客體驗 Web2.0 News media Value creation Value capture Customer experience |
Date: | 2024 |
Issue Date: | 2024-08-05 13:04:36 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 隨著全球進入Web2.0時代,社群平台的出現大幅改變了人們的新聞消費習慣,資訊中心從以往的新聞媒體逐漸轉向社群平台,加上網際網路的盛行,讓人們傾向於不再訂閱實體雜誌或報紙,對於新聞業既有獲利模式的衝擊不言而喻。幸運的是,由於Web2.0具備「資訊雙向互動性」,加上大數據技術逐漸成熟,讓新聞媒體能夠藉由大數據分析顧客的即時消費數據,進而為顧客創造個性化的資訊消費體驗,最終利用「數位訂閱制」向顧客收費。儘管如此,單憑數位訂閱制的營收,仍難以支撐紙本營收的衰退幅度,促使新聞媒體紛紛利用加值服務尋找新的獲利模式。
有鑑於此,本研究欲以「個案研究法」,以《電子時報》及《商周》為研究對象,探討在Web2.0時代下,國內新聞媒體是否存在其他創造及獲取價值的形式,以及如何利用Web2.0服務特性增進顧客的資訊消費體驗。據研究發現,在價值創造方面,顧客的資訊消費鏈能夠闡釋國內新聞媒體如何找出價值創造的區間,同時國內新聞媒體透過數位轉型、導入數位化工具及AI工具為顧客創造價值。在價值獲取方面,從以生產過程為基礎(PBA)的角度,新聞媒體將顧客資訊消費的過程轉化為資訊生產以降低成本、減少競爭或增加組織的資源以獲取價值;從以消費過程為基礎(CBA)的角度,新聞媒體藉由降低客戶的成本、直接與客戶連結以排擠競爭者以獲取價值。 In the Web2.0 era, social platforms reshape news consumption habits of the audience, prompting a shift from traditional to online media. On the other hand, the widespread use of the internet diminishes physical subscriptions, impacting traditional news media revenue models. Fortunately, leveraging Web2.0 and Big Data, news media creates personalized experiences, monetizing through digital subscriptions. However, merely relying on digital subscriptions is challenging given print decline. Consequently, news media explores additional revenue streams actively, including innovative value-added services to adapt to the evolving media landscape.
In light of this, this study, employing a case study approach with Digitimes and Business Weekly as research subjects, aims to explore whether domestic news media in the Web2.0 era can find alternative forms of value creation and value capture. Besides, this study also explores how leveraging Web2.0 features enhances the customer information consumption experience. Findings reveal that in terms of value creation, understanding the customer information consumption chain helps news media identify intervals for value creation. Additionally, news media creates value by digital transformation and integrating digital tools and AI technologies. In terms of value capture, adopting a Production Based Appropriation (PBA) involves transforming the customer's information consumption process into information production to reduce costs or increase organizational resources for value capture. Consumption Based Appropriation (CBA) involves lowering customer costs, direct customer engagement, and outcompeting rivals for value capture. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 科技管理與智慧財產研究所 110364124 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0110364124 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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