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    Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: https://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/152640

    Title: 科技創新政策體制、國家吸收能耐與國家創新成效之探索性研究
    An Explorative Study on STI Policy Regimes, National Absorptive Capacity, and National Innovation Performance
    Authors: 黃宏吉
    Huang, Hong-Ji
    Contributors: 吳豐祥
    Wu, Feng-Shang
    Huang, Hong-Ji
    Keywords: 民主型科技創新政策體制
    democratic STI policy regime
    meritocratic STI policy regime
    potential national absorptive capacity
    realized national absorptive capacity
    exploratory innovation
    exploitative innovation
    national systems of innovation
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-08-05 13:03:48 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 創新(innovation)不論是對於國家的持續發展或是企業的成長,都扮演了極為關鍵的角色。而創新的研究則涵蓋了公共政策、產業發展與企業策略等領域,主要在探討特定的個人、企業、機構、區域與國家為何有比較好的創新表現。在國家創新的層次上,相關的學者主要採取「系統性取向」(systematic approach)來探討,主流理論包括以「制度」(institutions)為核心概念的「國家創新系統」(National Systems of Innovation, NSI)理論與兩個分支模型:「三重螺旋模型」(The Triple-Helix model)與「國家創新能耐」(National Innovative Capacity, NIC)。雖然這三大領域已經被研究了很長一段時間,但是卻仍存在幾個方面的不足之處。包括:(1)主流理論缺乏一個科技創新政策的結構面模型;(2)過度強調制度的角色而忽略政策次系統與治理機制;與(3)未能將國家視為一個由學習者與知識活動組成的學習系統。

    基於上述研究缺口,本研究試圖回答下列的研究問題:國家在何種結構層面與行為層面條件下可以有更好的創新表現?本研究提出一個包含五個基本假設的理論模型,來檢視國家的「科技創新政策體制」(STI policy regime)與「國家吸收能耐」(national absorptive capacity, NAC)如何影響它在「探索性創新」(exploratory innovation)與「應用性創新」(exploitative innovation)的表現。此處的科技創新政策體制包括「民主型科技創新政策體制」(democratic STI policy regime)與「才能型科技創新政策體制」(meritocratic STI policy regime)兩種,本研究分別探討其對探索性創新與應用性創新所產生的正面影響。國家吸收能耐則包括「潛在性國家吸收能耐」(potential national absorptive capacity, PNAC)與「實現性國家吸收能耐」(realized national absorptive capacity, RNAC)兩種,前者正面調節民主型科技創新政策體制對探索性創新的正面影響,後者則正面調節才能型科技創新政策體制對應用性創新的正面影響。

    為測試上述的理論模型,本研究以38個OECD國家為樣本資料,以知名國際組織編製的相關指標來操作化因變數、解釋變數、調節變數與控制變數,並以五個統計方程式來對應五個基本假設,先據以進行固定效應統計分析(fixed-effects panel regression),接著再以隨機效應統計分析(random-effects panel regression)、Hausman檢定、變異數膨脹因子(variance inflation factors)等進行穩健性測試,最後得到支持上述理論模型的分析結果。

    Innovation studies as an emerging scientific field have come into prominent spotlight in various research areas such as public policies, industrial development, and corporate strategies. Despite all the differences in scopes and levels of analysis, innovation studies seek to unravel the puzzle of why some individuals, firms, institutes, regions, and nations are better innovators.

    Scholars in innovation studies mainly adopt a systematic approach to unravel the national innovation puzzle. The theory of national systems of innovation (NSI), along with its two extended models (the Triple-Helix model and National Innovative Capacity, NIC), mainly look into the institutional contexts in which innovative actors and innovating activities are embedded in. However, the existing theories lack a structural model of how cross-national STI (science, technology, and innovation) policies shape innovation processes. They overemphasize the role of institutions that do not fit well into policy subsystems controlled by governing arrangements. Moreover, they do not fully recognize a country as a whole constitutes the “national learning system” composed of knowledgeable learners and knowledge activities.

    Given all these research gaps, this dissertation seeks to answer the core research question regarding the structural and behavioral conditions that enable a country to innovate better. A conceptual model is conceived to examine the interactive dynamics of a country’s dual-regime structure in STI policies, dual-capacity in knowledge absorption, and the innovation outputs in exploration and exploitation. The dual-regime policy structure is mainly composed of democracy and meritocracy, each of which goes through different channels to enhance exploratory and exploitative innovation. The dual-capacity in knowledge absorption is mainly composed of a country’s absorptive capacity that carries potential and realized dimensions. This dual-capacity interacts with the dual-regime policy structure to further vitalize the latter’s effects on exploratory and exploitative innovation.
    To test the conceptual model, this dissertation collects panel data on thirty-eight OECD countries from 2010-2022. All the dependent, explanatory, moderating, and control variables are operationalized with relevant indices regularly compiled by trustworthy international organizations. This dissertation further establishes five statistical equations, each of which corresponds to a principal hypothesis. The conceptual model is solidly supported with fixed-effects panel regression on the sample data. Moreover, post-hoc analysis, including random-effects panel regression, the Hausman test, country-level scatter plots, and variance inflation factors, confirms the validity of the research methodology.

    Existing innovation theories argue that for the purpose of enhancing innovation, a country should commit to R&D investments, set up proper institutions, and foster an innovator-friendly environment. The major contribution of this dissertation is integrating structural and behavioral perspectives to depict a more panoramic picture on what should a country do to become a more accomplished innovator. With the appropriate STI policy structure and knowledge capacity well-established, a country faces no tradeoff nor the need to balance between exploration and exploitation. An ambidextrous STI policy structure, equipped with an ambidextrous knowledge agency, enables and empowers a country to be ambidextrous in innovation.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108364504
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