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Title: | 高中專輔教師對校園中同志態度之觀點及其輔導工作經驗探究 School Guidance Counselors’ View on Attitudes Toward Homosexuality in Senior High Schools and Their Experiences in Guidance Work |
Authors: | 周暐倫 Jhou, Wei-Lun |
Contributors: | 鄭同僚 周暐倫 Jhou, Wei-Lun |
Keywords: | 高中校園 對同志態度 同志輔導工作 高中專輔教師 High School Campus Attitudes toward Homosexuality Homosexuality Students’ Guidance Work School Guidance Counselors in High School |
Date: | 2024 |
Issue Date: | 2024-08-05 12:49:38 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 近年來,隨著不同社會運動、政府政策、法律建置的推動下,可以觀察到社會上對同志群體的態度逐漸轉為友善。本研究則希望了解當今高中校園不同對象,包含教師、行政人員、學生及家長,對同志群體所持之態度,及高中校園推動與同志議題相關之輔導工作現況及所在推動與同志議題相關之輔導工作時所遭遇之困難。 本研究共計訪談12位高中輔導教師,透過質性分析訪談資料,了解受訪教師學校內不同對象對同志群體所持之態度,及學校規劃同志輔導工作之概況。受訪教師多認為當今校園內對同志群體持有較正向、包容之態度,而在推動輔導工作內容上,常以初級預防及次級預防為主要工作內容。在推動若干輔導工作時,亦時常遭遇不同困境及阻撓,輔導教師則需要透過不同方式,如議題融入等方法,以能夠在校園繼續推動同志輔導工作。根據專輔教師之工作經驗,亦有提出若干在推動與同志議題相關之輔導工作時所需之專業知能。 研究者亦根據研究發現,對同志議題輔導工作的推動、研究主題等提出相關建議。 In recent years, with the promotion of various social movements, government policies, and legislation of law, society's attitude towards the LGBTQ+ community has gradually become more friendly. The purpose of this study is to understand the attitudes of different stakeholders in high school campuses, including teachers, administrative staff, students, and parents, towards the homosexuality, as well as the current status and challenges of implementing counseling work related to homosexuality issues in high schools. This study conducted interviews with 12 high school guidance counselors, analyzing the data from the interview to understand the attitudes of different stakeholders in the schools towards the homosexuality and the general situation of school counseling work for homosexuality issues. Most of the interviewed counselors believe that the current school environment holds a more positive and inclusive attitude towards the homosexuality community. In promoting counseling work, primary and secondary prevention are often the main content. However, various difficulties and obstacles are frequently encountered in promoting certain counseling work, and counselors need to adopt different methods, such as integrating the issues into other topics, to continue promoting homosexuality counseling work on campus. Moreover, based on their work experience, counselors have proposed several relevant competencies needed for future counseling work related to homosexuality issues. Based on the research findings, the researchers also made relevant suggestions for the promotion of counseling work on homosexuality issues and for future research topics. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 教育學系 110152008 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0110152008 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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