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    Title: 設計思考心態能力量表編制與應用 -以大學生為例
    Development and Applicatio of a Scale Measuring Design Thinking Mindset Abilities -A Case Study of College Students
    Authors: 丁士珍
    Ting, Shih-Chen
    Contributors: 王鍾和
    Ting, Shih-Chen
    Keywords: 大學生
    University students
    Design thinking
    Design thinking mindset capabilities
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-08-05 12:49:05 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 設計思考心態能力對設計思考的重要性日益增加,但尚無專門的量表。本研究旨在發展「設計思考心態能力量表」,並探討大學生設計思考心態能力現況及其與心理健康的關係。研究分為兩部分:一為量表建置,預試對象437位大學生,進行信效度分析,正式樣本962位大學生,進行信效度分析;二為量表應用,839位大學生為樣本,檢視設計思考心態能力現況、背景變項差異及其與心理健康的關係。研究結果顯示,一、量表共36題,含七個因素:「同理」、「溝通力」、「成長性心態」、「願景」、「心理韌性」、「批判性思考」、「創造力信心」,量表內部一致性良好,量表模式具有良好適配度、組合信度和平均解釋變異量。二、大學生設計思考心態能力中上,「同理」最高,「成長性心態」最低。男性在「願景」較高,女性在「創造力信心」較高。高社經地位學生在「設計思考心態總能力」、「同理」、「願景」和「創造力信心」最高。年級差異無顯著影響。人文社會學院學生在「設計思考心態總能力」、「同理」和「創造力信心」最高。三、設計思考心態能力與憂鬱行為呈中度負相關,與幸福感呈高度正相關。「成長性心態」、「願景」和「心理韌性」與憂鬱行為呈高度負相關,「溝通力」、「成長性心態」、「願景」和「創造力信心」與幸福感呈高度正相關,「批判性思考」均無顯著影響。本研究結果可供相關產學單位及輔導單位參考與應用。
    The importance of design thinking mindset capabilities in design thinking has been increasingly recognized, yet no specialized scale exists. This study aims to develop a "Design Thinking Mindset Capabilities Scale" and explore university students' design thinking mindset capabilities and their relationship with mental health. The research is divided into two parts: the construction of the scale and its application. The scale, consisting of 36 items across seven factors—"empathy," "communication," "growth mindset," "vision," "psychological resilience," "critical thinking," and "creative confidence"—shows good internal consistency and fit. University students' mindset capabilities are generally above average, with "empathy" scoring highest and "growth mindset" lowest. Males scored higher in "vision," females in "creative confidence." Higher socioeconomic status and students from the College of Humanities and Social Sciences correlated with higher scores. Mindset capabilities are negatively correlated with depressive behaviors and positively with well-being. "Growth mindset," "vision," and "psychological resilience" are highly negatively correlated with depressive behaviors, while "communication," "growth mindset," "vision," and "creative confidence" are highly positively correlated with well-being. The results can guide academic and counseling units.
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