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Title: | 國中輔導教師與導師在學校輔導工作的雙師合作與挑戰:從輔導教師觀點 The collaboration and challenges between school counselor and homeroom teacher in school guidance work: The school counselor’s perspective |
Authors: | 黃筱涵 Huang, Hsiao-Han |
Contributors: | 陳婉真 Chen, Wan-Chen 黃筱涵 Huang, Hsiao-Han |
Keywords: | 輔導教師 導師 雙師合作 合作現況 合作期待 School counselor Homeroom teacher The collaboration between homeroom teachers and school counselors Collaboration situation Collaboration expectation |
Date: | 2024 |
Issue Date: | 2024-08-05 12:48:41 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究旨在探討國中輔導教師與導師在學校輔導工作中的合作現況與期待。研究者從輔導教師的角度出發,了解國內輔導教師對與導師在學校輔導工作合作的現狀及期待。研究分為兩個部分,採用兩階段質性與量化混和研究方法:第一階段進行質性研究,包括深度訪談五位國中輔導教師,收集輔導教師與導師合作中所感知的合作經驗與合作的困境。第二階段為問卷調查,在質性研究基礎上,根據輔導教師的反饋與實際經驗,編製出針對全國輔導教師施測的「輔導教師與導師雙師合作」問卷,進行量化研究。本研究採取問卷調查法,以312位國中輔導教師作為研究對象,使用自編之「國中輔導教師與導師雙師合作量表」作為研究工具進行調查。於資料收集完成後,以驗證性因素分析檢驗自編量表是否具有良好的模式適配度,並以描述性統計、單因子變異數分析等統計方式探究導師知覺與輔導教師之合作現況與合作期待的整體概況,最後使用相依樣本t檢定來分析合作現況與合作期待之差異情形。最後以IPA分析了解國中輔導教師與導師雙師合作可改善的內容。
本研究之研究結果如下: 一、質性研究部分 質性內容分析揭示了三大核心主題:第一為輔導教師知覺雙師在輔導工作的差異;第二為輔導教師面對與導師合作之困境;第三為輔導教師對雙師合作之反思與期待。
二、量化研究部分 (一)輔導教師與導師雙師合作現況內涵可分為:「合作支持」、「專業協助」、「輔導責任」以及「成效評估」等四個層面。且「國中輔導教師與導師雙師合作量表」具有良好的信效度。
(二)合作現況:國中輔導教師知覺雙師合作現況,整體回饋呈現中偏高程度(M = 3.67)。比較四個構面之間的差異,「合作支持」構面顯著高於「專業協助」構面,「專業協助」構面又顯著高於「輔導責任」構面,而「輔導責任」構面又顯著高於「成效評估」構面。
(三)合作期待:國中導師對於雙師合作期待呈現高的程度(M = 4.42)。比較四個構面之間的差異「專業協助」與「成效評估」兩個構面彼此間無顯著差異,且皆顯著高於「合作支持」與「輔導責任」。
本研究根據研究結果與討論提出相關具體之建議,以供從事相關實務工作者以及未來研究方向之參酌與應用。 This study aims to explore the current status and expectations of collaboration between school counselor and homeroom teachers in junior high schools. The research, from the perspective of school counselors, seeks to understand the current state and expectations of collaboration in school counseling work with homeroom teachers in Taiwan. The study is divided into two parts, employing a two-phase mixed-method research approach: the first phase involves qualitative research, including in-depth interviews with five school counselors of junior high school to collect their perceived collaborative experiences and challenges in working with homeroom teachers. The second phase involves a quantitative survey, based on the feedback and actual experiences of the school counselors in the qualitative phase, to develop the "Collaboration between school counselors and Homeroom Teachers" questionnaire, administered to school counselors nationwide. This study employed a survey method, targeting 312 school counselors of junior high school, using the self-developed "Collaboration between Junior High School Counselors and Homeroom Teachers Scale" as the research tool. After data collection, confirmatory factor analysis was used to examine the model fit of the self-developed scale. Descriptive statistics and one-way ANOVA were employed to explore the overall situation of current collaboration and expectations from the perspective of homeroom teachers and school counselors. Finally, a paired samples t-test was used to analyze the differences between current collaboration and expectations. An IPA analysis was conducted to identify areas for improvement in the collaboration between school counselors and homeroom teachers.
The findings of this study are as follows: Qualitative Research Findings: Qualitative content analysis revealed three core themes: 1.School counselor’s perception of differences in counseling work between the two roles. 2.The challenges faced by counseling teachers in collaborating with homeroom teachers. 3.School counselor’s reflections and expectations regarding collaboration.
Quantitative Research Findings: 1.The content of the current collaboration between school counselors and homeroom teachers can be divided into four dimensions: "Collaborative Support," "Professional Assistance," "Counseling Responsibility," and "Effectiveness Evaluation." The "Collaboration between School counselors and Homeroom Teachers Scale" demonstrated good reliability and validity.
2.Current Collaboration Status: The overall perception of the collaboration between school counselors and homeroom teachers is moderately high (M = 3.67). Among the four dimensions, "Collaborative Support" is significantly higher than "Professional Assistance," "Professional Assistance" is significantly higher than "Counseling Responsibility," and "Counseling Responsibility" is significantly higher than "Effectiveness Evaluation."
3.Collaboration Expectations: School counselors have high expectations for collaboration (M = 4.42). There are no significant differences between the "Professional Assistance" and "Effectiveness Evaluation" dimensions, both of which are significantly higher than "Collaborative Support" and "Counseling Responsibility."
4.There is a significant difference between the overall current status and expectations, with the mean of overall expectations being significantly higher than the mean of the current status. All four dimensions show significant differences, with expectations significantly higher than the current status.
5.IPA Analysis Results: Priorities for improvement include: multiple dimensions in evaluating counseling effectiveness, shared goals for addressing student issues, ensuring equality in collaboration, enhancing systematic cooperation and responsibility sharing, and homeroom teachers understanding the limitations of counseling work while continuously caring for students.
Based on the results and discussions, this study provides specific suggestions for practitioners in related fields and for future research directions. |
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