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    题名: 地緣政治影響下生產基地選擇策略之研究 -以A公司為例
    Research on Production Base Selection Strategy Under the Influence of Geopolitics- The Case of Company A
    作者: 徐珮書
    Hsu, Pei-Shu
    贡献者: 詹文男

    Tsan, Wen-Nan
    Chang, Hsin-Lu

    Hsu, Pei-Shu
    关键词: 地緣政治
    US-China Trade War
    Strategy of Supply Chain
    日期: 2024
    上传时间: 2024-08-05 12:39:44 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 2018年初,中美貿易戰揭開序幕,7月6日爆發正式衝突,美國對340億美元的中國進口商品徵收25%關稅,因應貿易失衡、智慧財產權侵權及技術轉讓問題。隨後,美國對中國電腦產業提高關稅,影響全球供應鏈,推高成本和物價,引發通膨。
    2019年底COVID-19疫情爆發,2020年初中國大陸疫情導致城市封鎖,生產受阻。隨著病毒全球擴散,居家學習和工作需求上升,筆電及3C產品需求激增。中國經濟的快速成長和成本上升引起紛爭和制裁,美國提高懲罰性關稅,中國的產能受限,推動「[China +1]」策略,全球企業考慮設立第二生產基地,減少對中國的依賴。
    In early 2018, the curtain rose on the US-China trade war, with formal conflict erupting on July 6, when the US imposed a 25% tariff on $34 billion worth of imported Chinese goods in response to trade imbalances, intellectual property rights infringements, and issues of technology transfer. Subsequently, the US increased tariffs on China's computer industry, impacting the global supply chain, driving up costs and inflation.
    By the end of 2019, the COVID-19 pandemic broke out, and by early 2020, outbreaks in mainland China led to city lockdowns and production disruptions. As the virus spread globally, the demand for home-based learning and work surged, drastically increasing the demand for laptops and 3C products. China's rapid economic growth and rising costs led to disputes and sanctions, with the US imposing punitive tariffs, limiting China's production capacity. This prompted the "[China +1]" strategy, leading global companies to consider establishing a secondary production base to reduce dependence on China.
    This study takes Company A as a case to explore the impact of the US-China trade war, geopolitics, and COVID-19 on the global supply chain and the foreign investment environment. As costs in China rise and market growth slows, Taiwanese and global businesses are looking to Southeast Asia for cost-effectiveness and new business opportunities. This thesis employs industry analysis, geopolitical analysis, Porter's Diamond Model, and SWOT analysis to deeply understand Company A's investment strategies and market entry modes in Southeast Asia.
    In conclusion, the high-tech industry is shifting towards the emerging markets of Southeast Asia. Through the New Southbound Policy and strategic industry chain layouts, the industry's competitive edge is enhanced. Governments should maintain open policies and encourage investment in Southeast Asia, while businesses should consider setting up factories there to achieve global free trade objectives.
    參考文獻: 一、中文文獻:
    1. 王毓茹、尤韻蓉、張玉琦,2024,《地緣政治》,台北:經理人月刊.
    2. 帕斯卡.博尼法斯,2021,《地緣政治入門: 從50個關鍵議題了解國際局勢》,台北:如果出版
    3. 侯良儒,2023,《AI與電動車樂園新泰國》,台北:商業周刊.
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    描述: 碩士
    資料來源: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0111932105
    数据类型: thesis
    显示于类别:[經營管理碩士學程EMBA] 學位論文


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