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    Title: 國際法下網路空間中的國家網路行動可課責性---Stuxnet案例
    State Cyber Operations Accountability in Cyberspace under International Law: The Case of Stuxnet
    Authors: 司馬法
    Pratama, Naufal Bagus
    Contributors: 陳貞如
    Chen, Chen-Ju
    Naufal Bagus Pratama
    Keywords: 網絡空間
    Cyber Attack
    Cyber Warfare
    Use of Force
    State Responsibility
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-08-05 12:33:19 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 網路空間被稱為所謂的「第五」戰爭領域,國家可以透過它進行敵對行動,故現已成為國際關係的重要舞台。儘管國家和法律專家都網路領域應該受到國際法約束,但由於缺乏專門規範國家網路行為的國際網路法,如何應用這些法律和規範仍然是一個挑戰。此外,透過網路空間進行的國家活動可以輕易匿名進行,並且很難追溯到任何特定的行為者。例如2010年Stuxnet事件,其展示了在網路環境中嘗試應用現行法律的難題。Stuxnet是一次前所未有的網路攻擊,導致了實際的物理破壞,襲擊並癱瘓了伊朗的核設施。Stuxnet被認為是首次將網路武器化,即網路戰爭時代的開端。然而,該事件並沒有被正式歸咎於任何一方,也沒有任何一方聲稱對此負責。目前,隨著地區緊張局勢的發展,類似Stuxnet的網路攻擊可能再次發生。因此,透過利用規範性法律研究和使用二手資料來回答研究問題,本論文將分析國家應如何根據現行國際法對其網路行動承擔責任,特別參考2010年Stuxnet惡意軟體攻擊事件。本研究認為,即使國際法適用於網路空間,但應用於網路領域時仍然存在挑戰,因此敦促國家保持一致的做法,並呼籲建立一部規範國家行為者在網路空間活動的國際條約。
    Cyberspace is being referred to as the so-called "fifth" domain of war, enabling the conduct of hostilities through it and now is a key arena for international relations, including cyber warfare in conflicts among states. Although states and legal experts agree that international laws and norms apply to the cyber domain, yet with the absence of a cyber-specific international law that governs the State's operations within cyberspace, it is still a challenging task to apply it. Moreover, State activities conducted through cyberspace could easily be done anonymously and very hard to attribute to any particular actors. The Case of Stuxnet 2010 is a perfect example of the conundrum in terms of attempting the application of the prevailing laws to the cyber context. Stuxnet was an unprecedented cyber-attack that caused physical destruction, which hit and crippled Iranian nuclear facilities and is considered as the first utilization of cyber-weapon and referred to as the very dawn of the age of the cyber war. Yet, It was left officially unattributed, and no parties claimed responsibility. Currently, with the development of the tensions within the region, the possibility of “another” Stuxnet is present. Therefore, by utilizing normative legal research and the use of secondary data to answer the research question, this thesis will analyze how states should be held accountable for their cyber operations with the application of the existing international law, with special reference to the case of the Stuxnet malware attack 2010. The thesis concludes that, even though international law applies to the realm of cyberspace, it poses challenges in its application to the cyber realm and therefore urges consistent state practices and calls for an international treaty on the State’s operations in cyberspace to be established.
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