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Title: | 以自我決定理論探討Z世代工程師工作價值觀對離職傾向之影響:工作動機的中介效果 Exploring the Impact of Work Values of Generation Z Engineers on Turnover Intention through Self-Determination Theory: The Mediating Role of Job Motivation |
Authors: | 林蘊禪 Lin, Yun-Chan |
Contributors: | 黃家齊 Huang, Jia-Chi 林蘊禪 Lin, Yun-Chan |
Keywords: | Z世代工程師 工作價值觀 自我決定論 工作動機 認知失調理論 員工留任 Generation Z engineers work values self-determination theory job motivation cognitive dissonance theory employee retention |
Date: | 2024 |
Issue Date: | 2024-08-05 12:15:32 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | Z世代是由1993年出生至2005年出生的人組成,成長背景與價值觀有其特殊性與代表性。到2025年75%的工作者會是Z世代,然而台灣在面對人口結構老齡化與勞動力不足的困境中,尤其以工程師等技術人才的缺工影響尤深。在內憂的情況底下,台灣也面臨海外雇主的競爭,使得回應台灣Z世代工程師價值觀建立一個符合其工作價值觀的工作環境留才變得格外重要。 本研究透過線上問卷收回137個有效樣本,進行迴歸分析以探討台灣Z世代工程師的實質工作體驗與工作價值觀落差、工作動機及其對離職傾向的關聯性。本研究證實,當實質工作體驗與工作價值觀有落差時,會顯著預測離職傾向。 此外,研究顯示自我決定論中的工作動機:無動機、受控動機以及自主動機與離職傾向的關係複雜。實質工作體驗與工作價值觀落差和受控動機無顯著相關性,而無動機與離職傾向顯著正相關。自主動機雖與實質工作體驗與工作價值觀落差顯著負相關,但與離職傾向無直接關聯。本研究提出離職傾向可能先於工作動機形成,並透過認知失調理論解釋工程師如何調整行為或態度以減少落差感。 進而提出離職傾向在實質工作體驗與工作價值觀有落差時扮演著中介角色,影響工作動機中的無動機與自主動機。企業在管理員工時需同時關注工作價值觀與體驗,進而管理其離職傾向和工作動機,採取綜合策略提升員工留任意願和工作熱情。 Generation Z consists of individuals born from 1993 to 2005, characterized by unique backgrounds and values. By 2025, 75% of the workforce will be comprised of Generation Z. In Taiwan, facing challenges such as aging demographics and labor shortages, particularly in fields like engineering, the impact of talent shortages is profound. Amid domestic concerns, Taiwan also contends with global competition for its Generation Z engineers, emphasizing the need to create work environments that align with their values to retain them. This study collected 137 valid responses through an online survey to explore the substantial work experiences, discrepancies in work values, job motivation, and their correlation with turnover intentions among Generation Z engineers in Taiwan. The research confirms that significant discrepancies between actual work experiences and work values predict higher turnover intentions. Furthermore, the study reveals complexities in the relationship between job motivation from self-determination theory—amotivation, controlled motivation, and autonomous motivation—and turnover intentions. It finds that discrepancies in work experiences and work values do not significantly correlate with controlled motivation, but amotivation shows a significant positive correlation with turnover intentions. Autonomous motivation negatively correlates with discrepancies in work experiences and work values but does not directly relate to turnover intentions. The study suggests turnover intentions may precede job motivation, proposing insights from cognitive dissonance theory on how engineers adjust behaviors or attitudes to reduce perceived discrepancies. It further proposes that turnover intentions play an intermediary role when there are discrepancies between actual work experiences and work values, influencing amotivation and autonomous motivation within job motivation. Effective employee management, therefore, requires simultaneous attention to both work values and experiences to manage turnover intentions and job motivation, employing comprehensive strategies to enhance employee retention and engagement. |
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