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Title: | 品牌吉祥物擬人化程度與性感程度對行銷成效之影響:以人格特質為調節 Examing the Effects of Anthropomorphism and Sexiness of Brand Mascots in Marketing: The Moderating Role of Personality Traits |
Authors: | 廖翊喬 Liao, Yi-Chiao |
Contributors: | 陳冠儒 Chen, Kuan-Ju 廖翊喬 Liao, Yi-Chiao |
Keywords: | 品牌吉祥物 擬人化 性感 品牌態度 品牌關係 品牌信任 人格特質 Brand Mascot Anthropomorphism Sexiness Brand Attitude Brand Relationship Brand Trust Personality Traits |
Date: | 2024 |
Issue Date: | 2024-08-05 12:10:46 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 品牌吉祥物(Brand Mascot)為被企業廣為使用的行銷工具,觀察到近年部分品牌吉祥物的擬人化程度提高之現象,以及關於品牌吉祥物是否該維持性感形象的爭議,尚未有學者研究品牌吉祥物的擬人化程度及性感程度的高低,是否對於行銷成效會造成影響。
據研究結果,品牌吉祥物的設計應同時考量擬人化程度及性感程度,甚至是更多維度造成的綜合效果,並依消費者人格特質切分目標市場,以達到更好的行銷成效。企業對於品牌吉祥物擬人化程度及性感程度的設計,也須考量目標市場的地區文化、目標客群的性別、產品類別等,以達成各式行銷目標。 Brand mascots have become a widely adopted marketing strategy by companies. In recent years, there has been a noticeable trend toward increased anthropomorphism in brand mascot designs and ongoing debates about whether brand mascots should maintain a sexy image. However, no scholars have investigated whether the levels of anthropomorphism and sexiness in brand mascots would affect marketing outcomes.
This study focuses on the effects of anthropomorphism and sexiness of brand mascots in marketing. Using an experimental design and data analysis, this study explores whether the degrees of anthropomorphism and sexiness in brand mascots affect consumers’ brand attitude, brand relationships, and brand trust. This study also examines the interacting effects between anthropomorphism and sexiness on these outcomes. Furthermore, this study assesses the moderating role of consumers' personality traits in the process.
The findings indicated that the degrees of anthropomorphism and sexiness in brand mascots did not significantly affect brand attitude, brand relationships, or brand trust. However, they did exhibit a negative interaction effect on such outcomes. In addition, personality traits such as compliance, aggression, and detachment played a moderating role in influencing the effects of anthropomorphism and sexiness on marketing outcomes.
Accordingly, the designs of brand mascots should consider the combined effects of anthropomorphism and sexiness. Additionally, target markets should be segmented based on consumer personality traits to achieve better marketing outcomes. Lastly, companies should consider cultural differences, target demographics, and product categories when designing the anthropomorphic and sexy features of brand mascots to achieve various marketing objectives. |
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