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    Title: 授權角色與品牌聯名對於消費者態度的影響 – 以立頓奶茶為例
    The influence of licensed character co-branding on consumer attitude – Lipton milktea as an example
    Authors: 余琝晴
    Yu, Wen-Ching
    Contributors: 張愛華

    Yu, Wen-Ching
    Keywords: 品牌聯名
    Brand personality
    Brand attitude
    Purchase intention
    Word of mouth
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-08-05 12:09:59 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 觀察近年台灣包裝飲料產業趨勢,聯名行銷成為吸引消費者常見的策略之 一,其中,廣受台灣消費者喜愛的立頓(Lipton)奶茶,頻繁地使用與 IP 授權 角色聯名行銷的方式,成功受到消費者所青睞,創造銷售成長。
    本研究以探討包裝飲料與授權角色聯名效益之影響因素為主軸,參考 Monika & Antonio(2022) 及 Simonin & Ruth(1998)的聯名研究,以及 Chen, Huarng, & Gonza ́lez(2022)及 Kyung, Kwon , & Sung(2010)的代言人角色相 關研究,以立頓奶茶作為研究之主品牌,並選定具備知名度的 3 款授權角色作 為研究對象,製作立頓奶茶與 3 種不同授權角色聯名之廣告貼文,以問卷調查 法檢驗假說模型是否正立,總共回收 460 份有效問卷,並採用 SPSS 分析問卷結 果給予結論建議。
    本研究結果顯示,授權角色的角色個性鮮明度、消費者對授權角色的熟悉 正面影響消費者對授權角色的態度,但消費者與授權角色的自我形象一致性不 影響對授權角色之態度。而授權角色的態度、主品牌的態度和授權角色與主品 牌之契合度均會影響對聯名商品的態度。同時也證實,消費者對聯名商品的態 度會正面反映在購買意願和向他人推薦的行為。
    具體而言,建議品牌在進行聯名規劃時,需謹慎評估聯名夥伴的評價與契 合度,平時也需維護品牌自身的形象。對於授權角色擁有者而言,創造定位與 個性鮮明的授權角色並增加角色曝光可有效提升角色的好感度。而在正式推出 聯名商品前,事先測試消費者態度以預估未來推出後的銷售量與聲量表現。
    總結來說,本研究可以提供包裝飲料品牌未來與 IP 授權角色聯名時選擇合 作對象與行銷策略規劃的參考。
    Co-branding has become a prevalent strategy to attract consumers in Taiwan's packaged beverage industry. Among these, Lipton Milk Tea, widely favored by Taiwanese consumers, frequently employed co-branding with licensed IP characters in recent years, and has successfully won consumer favorable responses and sales growth.
    This study focuses on the impact of co-branding between packaged beverages and licensed characters. The research ideas were drawn from branding research by Monika & Antonio (2022), Simonin & Ruth (1998), as well as spokes-characters related studies by Chen, Huarng & González (2022) and Kyung, Kwon & Sung (2010). Using Lipton Milk Tea as the host brand, the study selected three well-known licensed characters to examine the effects of co-branding advertisement posted on fan page of host brand. Through a web survey, 460 valid responses were collected and analyzed using SPSS to test the research model. Finally, conclusions and recommendations were provided.
    The results of this study show that both the distinct personality of licensed characters and consumer familiarity with the characters positively influence consumer attitudes toward these characters. However, the congruence between consumer self- image and licensed characters does not affect attitudes toward the characters. The attitudes towards the licensed characters and the host brand, as well as the fit between them influence attitudes towards the co-branded products. Importantly, the study confirms that consumer attitudes towards co-branded products positively affect in their purchase intentions and willingness to recommend the products to others.
    Overall, this study provides insights for packaged beverage brands when collaborating with IP-licensed characters and marketing strategies formulation.
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