題名: | 台北富邦銀行成長策略與成效-以2015年至2022年為例 Growth Strategies and Performance of Taipei Fubon Bank – Take 2015 to 2022 for Example |
作者: | 林飛宏 Lin, Fei-Hung |
貢獻者: | 黃國峯 傅浚映 林飛宏 Lin, Fei-Hung |
關鍵詞: | 台北富邦銀行 安索夫矩陣 成長策略 Taipei Fubon Bank Ansoff Matrix Growth strategies |
日期: | 2024 |
上傳時間: | 2024-08-05 12:09:23 (UTC+8) |
摘要: | 台灣之金融業於台灣經濟上扮演重要角色,其中富邦金融控股公司一直為產業標竿,而子公司台北富邦銀行之規模,亦是台灣銀行業幾年來皆保持在前三大,獲利能力亦是翹楚,故對此表現優異之企業進行研究與分析應有效益。 本研究將分析2015年至2022年,共8年期間,台北富邦銀行採取何種策略達成「擴大資產規模,並同時提高淨利率」之目標。主要採取次級資料分析,透過財務報告、年報與主管機關之公開資訊檢視台灣金融業整體之產業與各別企業狀況。 分析架構則先藉由文獻探討了解策略與競爭優勢之定義,並說明安索夫矩陣之成長模式架構與其他成長策略。進而站在台北富邦銀行當時之角度,分析環境前提、內部條件與目標,並逐一透過安索夫成長模式之架構分析台北富邦銀行所採取之策略是否有吻合目標,且其成效是否有達成目標。 最終經由分析可知,台北富邦銀行當時所採取之策略,無論是成立高端客群處提供專屬服務之市場滲透策略、發行J卡以吸引具有日韓旅遊需求新用戶之新市場開發策略與投資LINE Pay與LINE Bank之多角化策略,皆有依照當時之環境前提與內部條件而做因應,尚符合文獻探討之相關研究,亦確實使財務成效上有亮眼之表現,並達成「擴大資產規模」之目標,雖淨利率並無顯著提升,惟分析期間皆高於主要之同業競爭對手中信、國泰與玉山,故台北富邦銀行於當時採取之成長策略應可作為許多銀行業者參照之案例。 The financial industry in Taiwan plays a crucial role in the nation's economy, with Fubon Financial Holding Co., Ltd. serving as an industry benchmark. Among its subsidiaries, Taipei Fubon Bank consistently ranks among the top three largest banks in Taiwan and is recognized for its exceptional profitability. Therefore, studying and analyzing such a high-performing company is beneficial. This research analyzes the strategies adopted by Taipei Fubon Bank over the eight-year period from 2015 to 2022 to achieve its goal of "expanding asset scale while simultaneously increasing net profit margin." The study primarily utilizes secondary data analysis, examining financial reports, annual reports, and publicly available information from regulatory authorities to assess the overall industry and individual companies in Taiwan's financial sector. The analytical framework begins with a literature review to understand the definitions of strategy and competitive advantage. It also explains Ansoff's Matrix and other growth strategies. Then, from the perspective of Taipei Fubon Bank at that time, it analyzes the environmental premises, internal conditions, and objectives, and evaluates whether the strategies adopted by Taipei Fubon Bank align with its goals and whether they effectively achieve those goals, using Ansoff's Matrix as a structure. The analysis reveals that the strategies adopted by Taipei Fubon Bank during this period, such as the market penetration strategy of establishing high-end customer services, the new market development strategy of launching the J Card to attract new users with travel needs to Japan and Korea, and the diversification strategy of investing in LINE Pay and LINE Bank, were all responses to the environmental premises and internal conditions of the time. These strategies align with the findings of related literature and have indeed led to impressive financial performance, successfully achieving the goal of "expanding asset scale." Although the net profit margin did not show a significant increase, it remained higher than those of its main competitors, including CTBC, Cathay United Bank and E.SUN Bank. Thus, the growth strategies adopted by Taipei Fubon Bank at that time can serve as a reference for many other banks. |
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描述: | 碩士 國立政治大學 企業管理研究所(MBA學位學程) 111363008 |
資料來源: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0111363008 |
資料類型: | thesis |
顯示於類別: | [企業管理研究所(MBA學位學程)] 學位論文
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