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    政大典藏 > College of Commerce > Department of MIS > Theses >  Item 140.119/152406
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    Title: 微時刻推薦系統機制設計-社會關係與偶然驚喜之影響
    The Influence of Social Relationships and Serendipity on Micro-Moment Recommender System
    Authors: 鄭宇翔
    Zheng, Yu-Xiang
    Contributors: 林怡伶
    Lin, Yi-Ling
    Zheng, Yu-Xiang
    Keywords: 團體推薦系統
    Group recommendation system
    Social relationship
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2024-08-05 12:06:10 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 網路的快速發展使線上資訊變得更複雜,同時行動裝置和社交活動也日益盛行,將我們的日常生活分割成許多微時刻。推薦系統能夠在微時刻內即時根據使用者的脈絡和意圖提供推薦,從而解決資訊過量的問題。隨著我們在日常生活中越來越頻繁地與不同社會關係的人進行團體活動,團體推薦系統的重要性也日益增加。然而,我們在微時刻中經常有頻繁的推薦系統使用需求,導致過度專業化的問題,而偶然驚喜是一種解決此問題並提高使用者滿意度的元素。因此,本研究旨在提出一種考量社會關係脈絡及偶然驚喜意圖的微時刻團體推薦系統,並探討社會關係對用戶滿意度、行為意圖和偶然驚喜的影響。本研究實際開發了一款新型的微時刻推薦系統,並招募受測者進行為期兩週的實地研究。實驗結果證明,在微時刻推薦系統中加入基於社會關係的團體推薦機制和偶然驚喜機制是可行且有效的,同時也提升使用者在微時刻下的滿意度和行為意圖。
    With the increase in mobile devices and social activities, our life has been divided into micro-moments, and we engage in more group activities with different social relationship people. In addition to individual recommender systems, group recommender systems are becoming more important. However, people tend to request frequent recommendations in micro-moments which is prone to overspecialization problems. Serendipity is a way to solve this problem and improve user satisfaction. Therefore, this study aims to propose a micro-moment recommender system that focuses on the context of social relationships and the intention of serendipity. From a social perspective, this study investigates the effects of social relationships on user satisfaction, behavioral intentions, and serendipity. This study developed a new micro-moment recommender system and conducted a field study for two weeks. The result demonstrates the feasibility and effectiveness of incorporating a group recommendation mechanism that considers social relationships and a serendipity mechanism in a micro-moment recommender system. This study emphasizes the importance of considering group recommendations based on social relationships and serendipitous recommendations to enhance user satisfaction and behavior intentions in micro-moments.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0110356004
    Data Type: thesis
    Appears in Collections:[Department of MIS] Theses

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