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    Title: 數位能力與中小企業國際化
    Digital Capabilities and SME Internationalization
    Authors: 陳怡安
    Chen, Yi-An
    Contributors: 黃國峯

    Huang, Kuo-Feng
    Yu, Chwo-Ming

    Chen, Yi-An
    Keywords: 文化距離
    Cultural distance
    Digital capabilities
    Value chain
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-07-01 13:32:11 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本論文包含兩項研究,從國家層面和企業層面探討數位能力對中小企業國際化的影響。本論文還探索中小企業如何在不同價值鏈活動中運用數位能力,並有效分配資源以增強其國際化。第一項研究側重於國家層面的障礙(即文化距離)在國際化過程中帶來的挑戰。該研究旨在檢驗數位能力是否能減輕這項障礙的負面影響。第二項研究轉向企業層面,探討數位能力如何在企業內部(組織內)和跨企業(組織間)影響國際化。本研究闡明數位能力在組織層面的運用,以塑造、提升國際化的深度和廣度。透過這些研究議題,本論文期望為數位能力與中小企業國際化之間的多方面關係做出貢獻。
    The thesis includes two studies that explore the influence of digital capabilities on the internationalization of small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) from both the country-level and firm-level perspectives. The studies also explore how SMEs utilize digital capabilities across different value chain activities and allocate resources effectively to enhance internationalization. The first study focuses on the challenges posed by the country-level barrier (i.e., cultural distance) during the internationalization process. The research aims to examine whether digital capabilities can alleviate the negative effects of these barriers. The second study shifts to the firm-level perspective, by investigating how digital capabilities are used to influence internationalization both within a firm (intra-organization) and across different firms (inter-organization). The study elucidates the utilization of digital capabilities at the organizational level to shape and enhance the depth and scope of internationalization. By addressing these research issues, this thesis aspires to contribute to the multifaceted relationship between digital capabilities and SMEs internationalization.
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