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    Title: 美元化和比特幣的採用對薩爾瓦多經濟的影響
    The influence of Dollarization and Bitcoin Adoption in El Salvador's Economy
    Authors: 莫瑞恆
    Argueta, Mauricio
    Contributors: 薛健吾
    Chien-Wu, Hsueh
    Mauricio Argueta
    Keywords: 經濟
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-07-01 13:24:32 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本論文研究了美元化和比特幣採用對薩爾瓦多經濟的交織影響,提出了開創性的分析,探討了這兩種重要的經濟策略如何相互補充和影響。 2001年,薩爾瓦多採用美元作為官方貨幣,此舉旨在穩定經濟、抑制通貨膨脹、吸引外國投資。二十年後,薩爾瓦多做出了一項大膽且前所未有的決定,於 2021 年成為第一個採用比特幣作為法定貨幣的國家。
    This thesis investigates the intertwined impacts of dollarization and Bitcoin adoption on El Salvador's economy, presenting a pioneering analysis that explores how these two significant economic strategies complement and influence each other. In 2001, El Salvador adopted the U.S. dollar as its official currency, a move aimed at stabilizing the economy, curbing inflation, and attracting foreign investment. Two decades later, in a bold and unprecedented decision, El Salvador became the first country to adopt Bitcoin as legal tender in 2021. This dual currency strategy presents a unique case study in modern economic policy.
    This study is among the first to provide an in-depth analysis of the concurrent impacts of these two transformative policies in a single national economy. By employing a mixed-methods approach, including econometric modeling, policy analysis, and qualitative interviews, this thesis seeks to elucidate the multifaceted relationship between traditional and digital currencies in a developing economy. The findings are expected to offer valuable insights for policymakers, economists, and international financial institutions, highlighting both the potential benefits and challenges of integrating digital currencies within a dollarized economy. The results of this research could set a precedent for other nations contemplating similar economic strategies, thereby contributing to the global discourse on monetary innovation and financial modernization. Ultimately, this thesis aims to provide a nuanced understanding of how dollarization and Bitcoin adoption collectively shape the economic landscape of El Salvador, offering a forward-looking perspective on the future of global finance.
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