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Title: | 銀行跨行匯款暨ATM系統移轉分析 A Study on the Migration of Interbank Remittance and ATM System |
Authors: | 吳政諺 Wu, Cheng-Yen |
Contributors: | 鄭至甫 吳政諺 Wu, Cheng-Yen |
Keywords: | 銀行核心系統 跨行系統 匯款系統 ATM系統 系統移轉 多重個案研究 Core Banking System Inter-bank System Remittance System ATM System System Migration Multiple Case Study |
Date: | 2024 |
Issue Date: | 2024-07-01 13:04:46 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 近年,主管機關強烈要求公股銀行進行「銀行核心系統瘦身」,然而民營金控所屬銀行,卻早在二十多年前就已開始陸陸續續進行「銀行核心系統的瘦身或汰換」。本研究希望藉由對這些民營金控所屬銀行進行分析,從而推導出台灣金融機構在進行如銀行核心系統轉換之大型重要資訊系統移轉專案時,所選擇之系統導入方法的策略趨勢。 本研究採用多重個案研究法,對元大商業銀行(原復華商業銀行)、國泰世華商業銀行、台北富邦商業銀行、玉山商業銀行等之銀行跨行匯款暨ATM系統從大型主機系統中移出的作法進行分析比較,從而找出共同的模式、趨勢或規律。 研究發現案例中的這些銀行,不論是在進行銀行跨行匯款暨ATM系統移轉或新銀行核心系統移轉,已都不再採用大爆炸方法(Big Bang Approach),而是全都採用分階段方法(Phased Approach)。 本研究除了建議尚未進行銀行核心系統瘦身或移轉的金融機構,可參考研究案例中各銀行所採用的分階段方法外。也應將近期主管機關要求降低系統移轉風險及減少對客戶權益影響視為重要考量因素,而選擇採用分階段方法並避免採用大爆炸方法來進行重要資訊系統的移轉。 In recent years, the regulatory authorities have strongly requested state-owned banks to "slim down their core banking system". However, banks under private financial holding companies have started to "slim down or replace their core banking system" more than 20 years ago. This study aims to derive the strategic trends of system implementation methods chosen by Taiwanese financial institutions when implementing large-scale and important information system migration projects, such as core banking system conversion. This study adopts a multiple case study method to analyze and compare the practices of inter-bank remittance and ATM system migration from mainframe systems at banks such as Yuanta Commercial Bank (formerly Fuh Hwa Commercial Bank), Cathay United Bank, Taipei Fubon Commercial Bank, and E.SUN Commercial Bank, to identify common patterns, trends, or regularities. The research found that these banks in the cases have all adopted the phased approach instead of the big bang approach, regardless of whether they are migrating the inter-bank remittance and ATM system or the new core banking system. In addition to suggesting that financial institutions that have not yet slimmed down or migrated their core banking systems can refer to the phased approach adopted by each bank in the research case, this study also suggests that they should consider the recent requirements of the regulatory authorities to reduce system migration risks and minimize the impact on customer rights as important factors. Therefore, choosing the phased approach and avoiding the use of the Big Bang Approach for migrating critical information systems. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 經營管理碩士學程(EMBA) 111932096 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0111932096 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [經營管理碩士學程EMBA] 學位論文
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