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    Title: 多螢幕與家庭生活:成年家庭的影音串流平臺觀看實踐
    Multi-screening and Domestic Life: Viewing Practices of Video Streaming Platforms in the Adult Families
    Authors: 江佳葳
    Chiang, Chia-Wei
    Contributors: 柯裕棻
    Chiang, Chia-Wei
    Keywords: 成年家庭
    Adult Family
    Multiscreen Home
    Video Streaming Platform
    Power Relation
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-07-01 12:46:26 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本文延續過去電視與家庭的研究,以家戶為單位,探討在多螢幕的環境下,影音串流平臺如何影響既有的家戶收視經驗,以及如何在家庭觀看中形成新的權力關係?本研究訪談來自六戶家庭的十五位家庭成員,以了解家庭生活中的媒體使用,以及家庭成員的日常觀看位置。
    The article explores how video streaming platforms affect viewing experiences in the multiscreen homes, especially within the daily TV viewing routines. How video streaming platforms form new power relations within families is the major research question. This study interviewed a total of fifteen family members from six households, in order to understand their media uses and viewing positions in domestic time and space.
    This study found that video streaming platforms need to compete with TV contents, such as TV news, soap operas and YouTube videos, to attract the audiences’ attention in the households while television viewing is still a part of daily routines in everyday life. In the multiscreen living rooms, family members draw short and unfocused attention on screens, making the living room a new type of viewing and social space which simultaneously contain individualized screen activities and family interactions. Integrated into domestic life, the streaming platforms create a variety of family viewing situations that maintain and sustain family relationships.
    Secondly, multiple technologies determine the viewing positions in the households. Internet, power hubs and screens intertwine to form different power positions among family members. The power relations in television viewing in the past have now declined and dispersed in the multiscreen era. This study found four types of power interfaces in the multiscreen homes: (1) screens, (2) sounds, (3) viewing spaces, (4) screens outside of homes. Viewing in the multiscreen home is, consequently, the result of multiple choices and negotiations among family members.
    Finally, viewing patterns in the multiscreen environments show generational differences. Parents and children hold different viewing positions. Parents tend to be closer to the television in living rooms and have more fixed viewing positions, while
    the younger generations have more fluid viewing bodies, provided the freedom of time and space by technological capabilities. In other words, as attention is gradually dispersed, family members need to make more efforts to create a "watching together" scene to strengthen the family intimacy.
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