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    Title: 市場經濟體之性別薪酬差距: 台灣與法國之比較
    Unveiling the perception of the Gender pay Gap in a market economy: A Comparative Analysis between Taiwan and France
    Authors: 彭夢薇
    Prual, Maëva
    Contributors: 林月雲
    Carol Lin
    Maëva Prual
    Keywords: 性別薪酬差距
    Gender pay gap
    Gender inequalities
    Cultural disparities
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-07-01 12:17:15 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究探討了文化差異對臺灣和法國性別薪酬差異感的影響。 儘管兩國具有不同的歷史和文化背景,但兩國在性別平等方面表現出類似的成果。 該研究採用定性方法,採用半結構化訪談,六名參與者,三名擁有法國國籍,三名臺灣人,探討五個關鍵主題:對性別薪酬差距的認識和理解,立法,教育和組織責任的作用,個人經驗和職業軌跡,以及職業隔離。 主要調查結果表明,臺灣和法國對性別薪酬差距的共同認識,強調必須採取立法措施進行實質性改革,並呼籲進行教育改革和增加代表性。 無論取得何種進展,挑戰依然存在,特別是關於母親和玻璃天花板的持久存在,反映了儘管有共同的能力,但某些職業的性別觀念仍然存在。 本文表明,雖然個人觀點不同,但文化差異對這些觀點的影響有限。 相反,性別薪酬差距似乎更受市場驅動的經濟體和父權制傳統的影響。 有限的樣本量限制了廣泛的概括,強調需要進一步的定量研究來驗證這些見解。 儘管文化背景不同,但研究表明,在解決性別薪酬差距的戰略上達成了共識,並強調了為促進兩性平等而採取協調一致的努力的潛在必要性,同時認識到可能需要採取普遍辦法。
    This research investigates the influence of cultural differences on perceptions of the gender pay gap in Taiwan and France. Despite their distinct historical and cultural backgrounds, both countries exhibit similar outcomes in terms of gender equality. The study employs qualitative methods, using semi-structured interviews, with six participants, three having the French nationality and three Taiwanese, to explore five key themes: awareness and understanding of the gender pay gap, legislation, the role of education and organizational responsibility, individual experiences and career trajectories, and occupational segregation. The key findings indicate a shared awareness of the gender pay gap in both Taiwan and France, underscored by the necessity of legislative measures for substantial change, alongside calls for educational reform and increased representation. Regardless of progress, challenges persist, particularly concerning motherhood and the enduring presence of glass ceilings, reflecting gendered perceptions in certain professions despite shared capabilities. This thesis suggests that while personal opinions vary, cultural differences have a limited impact on these perceptions. Instead, the gender pay gap appears to be more influenced by market-driven economies and patriarchal traditions. The limited sample size, restricts broad generalizations, underlining the need for further quantitative research to validate these insights. In spite of divergent cultural backgrounds, the study reveals a consensus on strategies to implement to address the gender pay gap and highlights the potential need for concerted efforts to promote gender equality, recognizing that a universal approach may be necessary.
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