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Title: | 超越種族內部衝突: 新加坡華人新移民與語言政策的關係 Beyond intra-ethnic conflicts: Singapore's new Chinese immigrants at the nexus of immigration and language policy |
Authors: | 林洛嶠 |
Contributors: | 劉曉鵬 Liu, Philip Hsiaopong 林洛嶠 |
Keywords: | 新加坡 英語 華語 移民政策 語言政策 語言衝突 李光耀 Singapore English Chinese immigration policy language policy language conflict Lee Kuan Yew |
Date: | 2024 |
Issue Date: | 2024-07-01 12:09:45 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究調查新加坡華人與新華人移民之間語言衝突背後的政治、經濟和文化因素。具體來說,它審查移民和語言政策,向新加坡政策制定者通報公民身份和永久居留權的英語語言能力要求。該分析以語言政策和規劃框架為指導。對來自新加坡最受歡迎的線上社群之一的用戶評論的討論為該討論提供了經驗證據。調查結果顯示,人們對中國新移民的英語能力非常擔憂,大多數人主張將英語語言測驗納入入籍申請中。反移民情緒歸因於對中國候選人的優惠待遇、工作不穩定以及對中國文化主導地位的恐懼。英語能力的差異和政府支持國語程度的政策加劇了新加坡華人和新華人移民之間的語言衝突,反映出李光耀對身分政治的深遠影響所導致的新加坡華人身分的複雜性。政策建議建議對移民實施英語能力考試,以緩解語言衝突並促進社會融合。 This research investigates the political, economic, and cultural factors underlying language conflicts between Singaporean Chinese and new Chinese immigrants. Specifically, it examines immigration and language policies to inform Singaporean policymakers on English language proficiency requirements for citizenship and permanent residency. The analysis is guided by the Language Policy and Planning Framework. The discussion of user comments sourced from one of Singapore's most popular online communities contributes empirical evidence to the discourse. The findings reveal significant concern about the English proficiency of new Chinese immigrants, with a majority advocating for the inclusion of English language tests in citizenship applications. Anti-immigrant sentiments are attributed to perceptions of preferential treatment for Chinese candidates, job insecurity, and fears of Chinese cultural dominance. Disparities in English proficiency and government policies endorsing Mandarin proficiency exacerbate language conflicts between Singaporean Chinese and new Chinese immigrants, reflecting complexities in the Singaporean Chinese identity because of Lee Kuan Yew's profound influence on identity politics. Policy recommendations propose the implementation of English proficiency exams for immigrants to mitigate language conflicts and foster social integration. |
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