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Title: | 少數族群權利的正當性論證 On the Legitimacy of the Rights of Minority Groups |
Authors: | 林佳鋐 Lin, Chia-Hung |
Contributors: | 林遠澤 Lin, Yuan-Tse 林佳鋐 Lin, Chia-Hung |
Keywords: | 自由主義 多元文化主義 少數族群權利 平等權 Liberalism Multiculturalism The rights of minority groups Equality |
Date: | 2024 |
Issue Date: | 2024-06-03 11:52:54 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 少數族群權利是當代政治與自由主義所爭論的核心問題之一,其爭論主要圍 繞於少數族群去要求那些超出國家中一般公民的額外權利是否正當,通常包括實 踐其獨特文化的權利、教育權、語言權、自治權甚至是獨立權等。更具體的說, 主要的爭論點在於:第一,自由主義的框架是否真的如它所宣稱包容且寬容各種 價值觀念,因而本身就是一種多元主義,而少數族群去要求額外的權利是不正當 的;第二,少數族群對其獨特文化價值與文化實踐的各種訴求是否具有正當性, 這種正當性的根據是什麼;第三,支持少數族群權益的自由主義是否是一種相對 主義,若不是,自由主義寬容或包容的界線在哪裡。本文將嘗試論述上面三個論 點,指出當代自由主義的包容確實有其限制,並未能合理的包容其他的文化;其 次將說明兩種少數族群權利的正當性論證,說明這些權利訴求的正當性,最後; 本文將討論自由主義的界線,嘗試探討一種相對寬容的自由主義在面對少數族群 權利訴求的限制。 The rights of minority groups are in question in the deliberation of contemporary politics and liberalism. The issue of this deliberation usually presents in this way: minority groups require more rights to practice their own culture than other citizens, but are those requirements reasonable? Specifically, it includes three issues: Firstly, is liberalism a pluralism that it is enough to tolerate all kinds of cultures? Secondly, is it reasonable that minority groups require rights to practice their unique culture, and how those rights can be justified? Finally, is liberal pluralism a relativism, if not, what is the difference between pluralism and relativism? The proposition of this essay is to answer those questions and discuss what a more tolerant form of liberalism should entail. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 哲學系 109154003 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0109154003 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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