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    Title: 國家對於國際環境建制之調適:馬來西亞棕櫚油產業加入永續認證之研究
    Global Environmental Regimes and Sustainable Certification: A Case of the Malaysia Palm Oil Industry
    Authors: 張瑾薇
    Teo, Jin-Wei
    Contributors: 林義鈞
    Lin,Scott Y.
    Keywords: 國際環境制度
    International Environmental Regimes
    Environmental Governance
    Palm Oil
    Malaysia Palm Oil Industry
    Sustainable Certification
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-06-03 11:52:36 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 全球環境隨著世界各國對棕櫚油需求的增加,正在造成森林過度砍伐,以及後續相關的氣候變遷、生物多樣性銳減、濫殺人猿、水土流失、動植物棲息地遭到破壞等一系列環境問題,也因此而相對應地產生出棕櫚油產業的國際環境制度(International Environmental Regimes)。
    更具體性而言,自1970年代起,各國逐漸意識到環境問題帶來資源匱乏和污染等問題,國際之間也陸續召開全球層次會議。故此,1972年,斯德哥爾摩舉行了聯合國環境會議(United Nation Conference on the Human Environment, UNCHE),提出了人類環境宣言,也因此誕生出聯合國環境署(United Nations Environmental Programme, UNEP),希望透過聯合國的多邊架構,將環境規範轉為要求各個國家在國內環境立法,通過國際與國內環境部門的成立等機制,實現環境治理的架構。不僅如此,在多邊架構下的全球環境治理不但產生了上述的UNEP與各國環境治理部門,並且與相關國際組織合作,促進跨國貿易與環境保護之間的平衡發展,使得世界貿易組織(World Trade Organization, WTO)、世界銀行(World Bank, WB)等都相繼參與了全球環境治理機制。
    Young(2000)以國際環境制度(International Environmental Regimes)為理論,歸納出環境治理可以分為三個階段:Agenda Formation、Negotiation、Operationalization等,因此得以解釋世界各國透過共同努力,制定一致性的環境政策與行動計劃,一同面對全球性和跨境性的環境挑戰,形成多邊環境協議(Multilateral Environmental Agreements, MEAs),在此其中,UNEP、WTO、WB等國際機構在全球環境制度中扮演著重要的作用,通過這些機構,建立共同的全球性標準和規則,落實到各國政府,並且促進國際之間的合作,實現永續的環境發展目標。
    因此,本研究以馬來西亞棕櫚油產業為例,探討馬來西亞在國際環境制度的建立下如何接受永續認證的產業鏈。換句話說,國際環境制度在21世紀初期成立了棕櫚油監管機構,並且產出了「永續棕櫚油圓桌倡議(Roundtable Sustainable Palm Oil, RSPO)」,希望透過可靠的全球生產標準、環境規範、利益相關者,減少棕櫚油產業在種植過程中帶給環境與社會的負面衝擊,藉以生產出經過認證的永續棕櫚油(Certified Sustainable Palm Oil, CSPO)。而馬來西亞為了響應全球環境治理對永續生產棕櫚油的呼籲,因此鼓勵其國內任何從事與棕櫚油產業相關的種植者、工廠、組織等,得以申請RSPO認證。最終,本論文發現在全球環境制度下,馬來西亞的國家環境治理機制,以及相關的棕櫚油業者為了達到國際環境規範,正在促成RSPO的規範形成,幫助馬來西亞棕櫚油產業邁向永續發展。
    With the increase in demand for palm oil, excessive deforestation has resulted in a series of problems such as climate change, drastic reduction in biodiversity, indiscriminate killing of orangutans, soil erosion and destruction of animal and plant habitats.
    Since the 1970s, countries have become aware of the environmental problems that bring about resource scarcity and pollution. International conferences have been held at the global level. Therefore, in 1972, the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment (UNCHE) was held in Stockholm, and the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) was born as a result. It is hoped that through the multilateral structure of the United Nations, environmental regulations will be transformed into a framework that requires each country to enact domestic environmental legislation and to realize environmental governance through mechanisms such as the establishment of international environmental departments. In addition, environmental governance under the multilateral framework has generated the above-mentioned UNEP and various departments, and also cooperates with international organizations to promote the development between trade and environmental protection, such as the World Trade Organization (WTO), the World Bank (WB), etc.
    Young (2000) suggests that the international environmental regimes can be attributed into three periods: agenda formation, negotiation, and operationalization. The consequences include the Convention on Biological Diversity and the establishment of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (Young, 2000). The issue of environmental degradation often has a global and cross-border nature, impacting not only individual countries or regions but potentially affecting the entire planet or multiple nations. Therefore, countries must engage in coordinated efforts and cooperation across borders and regions. Through collective endeavors, it is imperative to formulate common policies and action plans to address global and cross-border environmental challenges. Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs) and international organizations such as the World Trade Organization (WTO) play significant roles in this regard. These institutions facilitate the establishment of shared standards and regulations, foster cooperation among nations, and strive to achieve sustainable environmental development goals.
    Therefore, this study takes the Malaysian palm oil industry as an example to explore how Malaysia has embraced a sustainable certified industrial chain under the establishment of a international environmental regime. In response to the global call for sustainable palm oil production, the palm oil regulator has established the Roundtable Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) initiative to reduce the environmental and social impacts of the palm oil industry during the cultivation process through reliable global standards and stakeholders, which must comply with environmental and social standards. International standards must be met to produce Certified Sustainable Palm Oil (CSPO). Any organization involved in the production of derivatives from oil palm growers and plants can apply for RSPO and its supply chain.
    Additionally, this initially finds that Malaysian palm oil has negotiated with countries and organizations that have enacted legislation to achieve sustainable development under the environmental regime, validating the formation of RSPO in Malaysia under the environmental regime.
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