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    Title: 論國家主義在中國與東協國家 新冠防疫政策中的角色與影響
    On the Role and Influence of Statism in the Covid-19 Prevention Policies of China and ASEAN Countries
    Authors: 洪國倫
    Hong, Kuo-Lun
    Contributors: 楊昊
    Yang, Hao
    Hong, Kuo-Lun
    Keywords: 國家主義
    Statism, Synstatism/ Collabotatism
    Synstatism/ Collabotatism
    government-led intervention
    government involvement
    China and Asean countries
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-06-03 11:45:09 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本文主要在探討國家主義和國家介入對中國與東協國家在新冠肺炎疫情下防疫對策的互動關係與影響,及東協各國人民對於政府各相關防疫作為的滿意度分析。
    This article primarily investigates the interplay and impact of Statism and state-led intervention on the COVID-19 pandemic response strategies between China and ASEAN countries, as well as an analysis of ASEAN populations' satisfaction with their governments' pandemic-related actions. Government-led interventions are crucial in managing the pandemic, while Statism shapes policy formation and implementation. Statism provides a theoretical basis and justification, and state-led intervention translates these ideas into concrete actions. As Statism and state-led intervention are often invoked during crises, they not only heighten public attention to national security and sovereignty but also affect regional and international cooperation, especially during pandemic crises which may lead to conflicts and collaborations. This study aims to delve deeper into the effects of Statism and state intervention-led on pandemic control and recovery in China and ASEAN countries, and the diverse perspectives and attitudes of ASEAN populations towards pandemic policies.
    The research also includes a survey conducted from 2020 to 2022, covering ASEAN populations' views on state-led intervention and their reactions to the pandemic, encompassing attitudes towards the pandemic, public health policies, vaccination, economic recovery, and the impact of US-China competition on ASEAN countries. Effective responses were collected from major ASEAN nations including Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines, revealing diverse viewpoints and attitudes towards pandemic policies.
    The findings demonstrate that under the frameworks of Statism and state-led intervention, China and ASEAN countries exhibit differing modes and outcomes in their pandemic response strategies. China's centralized management and strict controls were effective in the short term but faced challenges over the long term; ASEAN countries' varied strategies reflect differences in environmental and capability contexts during policy making. These differences manifest in levels of government performance satisfaction and public satisfaction, influencing governmental policy adjustments and people's lives.
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