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Title: | 探討以粵語為母語的華語學習者「把」字句口語使用情況 Exploring the use of spoken Mandarin ba-construction by Cantonese-speaking Mandarin learners |
Authors: | 李舒穎 Li, Shu-Wing |
Contributors: | 陳仲妤 Chen, Chung-Yu 李舒穎 Li, Shu-Wing |
Keywords: | 把字句 以粵語為母語的華語學習者 聽說翻譯實驗 啟動效應實驗 Ba-construction Cantonese-speaking Mandarin learners Listening and speaking translation experiment Syntactic priming experiment |
Date: | 2024 |
Issue Date: | 2024-05-02 10:32:55 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 「把」字句為華語的特殊句型,對於許多華語學習者而言,由於學習者的母語沒有與「把」字句相近的句式結構,因此較難以習得。但是,對於生活在香港、以粵語為母語的華語學習者而言,粵語的「將」字句和華語「把」字句的句式結構相近,他們對華語「把」字句的掌握相較其他學習者來說較為容易。然而,粵語「將」字句與華語「把」字句並非完全相同,一些華語「把」字句無法用粵語「將」字句完全對應。而且,在粵語的表述中,更傾向使用主動句而非「將」字句。因此,本研究考慮到這類華語學習者母語的特殊性,希望探討以粵語為母語的華語學習者在「把」字句的口語使用情況,並通過「聽說翻譯實驗」、「啟動效應實驗」及語言背景問卷收集數據,了解受試者在不同種類的「把」字句的產出頻率、偏誤情況及不同程度的迴避策略。
綜合兩項實驗的表現,本研究成功招募的十五位以粵語為母語的華語學習者,他們的華語程度相對較高,因此在口語產出中並無「把」字句的語序問題,或預設的「成分多餘」或「成分殘缺」問題。這批受試者僅有出現受母語遷移影響下「詞語使用不當」問題,而且傾向使用主動句以迴避使用「把」字句。最後,本研究簡短討論其他可能對「把」字句口語產出造成影響的因素,例如華語程度、書面語使用頻率和英語影響,建議未來研究可以考慮從這幾方面討論以粵語為母語的華語學習者的口語表現。 The ba-construction is considered a distinctive syntactic structure in Mandarin Chinese, which poses challenges for many Mandarin learners whose native languages lack similar structures. However, for Cantonese-speaking Mandarin learners residing in Hong Kong, the syntactic structure of Cantonese zoeng-construction exhibits parallels with Mandarin ba-construction, facilitating a relatively smoother acquisition process. Nonetheless, differences exist between Cantonese zoeng-construction and Mandarin ba-construction, with certain Mandarin ba-construction lacking direct equivalents in Cantonese zoeng-construction. Moreover, Cantonese prefers SVO construction over zoeng-construction. Hence, considering the uniqueness of Cantonese, the present study endeavors to explore the oral usage of ba-construction by Cantonese-speaking Mandarin learners. Through the listening and speaking translation experiment, syntactic priming experiment and language background questionnaire, the study aims to elucidate the production frequency, error patterns, and avoidance strategies of participants concerning different types of ba-construction.
The researcher successfully recruited fifteen Cantonese-speaking Mandarin learners as the experimental group and fifteen Mandarin native speakers as the control group, with the latter only participating in the syntactic priming experiment. In the listening and speaking translation experiment, participants orally translated thirty-six Cantonese sentences into Mandarin, encompassing twelve subtypes of ba-construction previously categorized in prior studies. The results revealed that, except for types 5, 11 and 12, where participants produced fewer ba-construction and instead opted for active voice constructions, the remaining nine categories yielded higher proportions of ba-construction. It is noteworthy that types 11 and 12 could not be directly translated into Cantonese using zoeng-construction, while type 5 is more naturally expressed in SVO in Cantonese.
In the syntactic priming experiment, participants were required to describe target pictures after being primed with a Mandarin audio sentence describing a picture. In total, the participants were primed twenty times and were asked to describe twenty pictures. These priming trials included SVO, ba-construction, zoeng-construction, and fillers. The results showed that the experimental group of Cantonese-speaking participants had clearly lower priming effects compared to the Mandarin-speaking control group, resulting in a lower proportion of ba-construction produced.
Combining the performance of the two experiments, the fifteen Cantonese-speaking Mandarin learners recruited in the present study demonstrated relatively high proficiency in Mandarin, thus exhibiting no issues with sentence order or the predicted redundancy or deficiency of components in their oral production. These participants only exhibited problems of inappropriate word usage influenced by native language transfer and tended to use SVO construction to avoid using ba-construction. Finally, this study briefly discussed other factors that may affect the oral production of ba-construction, such as Chinese proficiency, frequency of written language use, and the influence of English. It is suggested that future research can consider discussing Cantonese-speaking Mandarin learners' oral performance from these aspects. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 華語文教學碩博士學位學程 110161019 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0110161019 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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