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    Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: https://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/151086

    Title: 透過 CLIL 教學方法執行「水資源」專題式學習: 專注於過程、成果、學生感受
    Implementing “The Adventure of a Water Droplet” Project-based Learning as CLIL Teaching in an Elementary School: Focusing on Process, Products and Student Perceptions
    Authors: 謝昀晴
    Xie, yun-qing
    Contributors: 招靜琪
    Chao, Chin-Chi
    Xie, yun-qing
    Keywords: 內容和語言的整合學習方法
    Content and language integrated learning
    project-based learning
    rural area elementary school
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-05-02 10:28:59 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 因應台灣 2030 雙語教育政策,在過去近五年有許多以內容和語言的整合學習方法為主的專題式學習活動,但是至今較少有專業實務報告研究該教學方法針對偏鄉學校應如何調整以回應學生之學習需求。本文以質性個案研究方法,聚焦於一所位於桃園市的偏鄉小學,進行為期六週的課程教學。資料來源為 2023 年5 月至 6 月份的學習課程紀錄,包含課程規劃、教師教學紀錄、學生學習紀錄、成果作品以及學生訪談等。經由討論學生在課程中的學習表現以及學習成果的展現,探討教師針對偏鄉小學學生之學習狀況進行的適性調整。此報告發現,此語言的整合學習方法為主的專題式學習,施行於研究者任教的偏鄉小學時,面臨偏鄉學生英語普遍低落的學習狀況以及學校教師保守的教學氛圍,不僅教學內容需依照學生的程度進行文本內容闡述的調整、專注學生合作關係中的平衡,也需處理學校教師同儕的關係,在這種情況之下,水資源的專題式活動活動得以順利完成。根據該班級個案討論,本研究建議偏鄉教師欲施行語言的整合學習方法為主的專題式活動時,需於課程的進行中滾動式的調整教學進程以符應學生的學習需求。此外,透過專題式的學習,學生亦可從中收穫合作的學習經驗。
    In response to the Bilingual 2030 policy, there have been many project-based activities in the past five years, focusing on content and language integrated learning
    (CLIL) methods in content and language. Project-based learning (PBL) is recommended for fostering both individual and collaborative learning, with the potential to have a positive influence on students' educational experiences.
    Nevertheless, there is a lack of sufficient practical reports and research on how to incorporate CLIL approach into PBL for students in remote schools to meet their
    learning needs. This report employs a qualitative case study method, focusing on a rural elementary school in Taoyuan City, conducting a six-week course. The data was
    collected from May to June 2023, including course schedules, teaching materials, students’ products, learning processes, teaching log, and student interviews. Through discussing students' performance and achievements in the course, the report explores the adaptive adjustments made by teachers for the learning conditions of elementary-level students. The report found that implementing project-based activities with a focus on CLIL in a traditional elementary school not only requires adjustments to content but also involves addressing the perceptions of school peer teachers. Through
    the adaptation approaches of CLIL implementation, the results indicated that CLIL is feasible in remote area schools. Two themes that emerged from this report were: (1)
    students collaboration in PBL and (2) the adaptation carried out in this CLIL project
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0110951017
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