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    Title: 雲端服務提供商與顧客在台灣之價值共創現象
    Value co-creation between cloud service providers and customers in Taiwan
    Authors: 陳柏劭
    Chen, Po-Shao
    Contributors: 柯玉佳
    Ko, Yu-Chia
    Chen, Po-Shao
    Keywords: 雲端運算
    Cloud computing
    Solar energy startups
    Value co-creation
    Interaction process
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-04-01 14:30:33 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究旨在探討雲端服務提供商與顧客之間如何透過互動來共創價值。雲端服務就像積木,顧客需要根據自身需求將不同的服務拼湊起來,以獲得所需的解決方案,不過由於雲端服務的高複雜性,即使顧客已經有意願使用雲端服務,大多顧客也不具備使用雲端服務的能力,此時,顧客需要與雲端服務提供商互動,才能順利享有雲端服務帶來的價值。另一方面,當顧客越了解雲端,或是顧客發展越好,顧客在雲端服務提供商的用量也會越多,進而為雲端服務提供商帶來更多利潤,而雲端服務提供商又會用這些利潤帶來更好的服務,以進一步協助顧客。綜上所述,可以得知雲端服務提供商與顧客的關係是共生共榮,然而,過去對於雲端產業中價值共創觀點的研究相對較少,大部分關於價值共創的文獻與雲端產業無直接關聯,其中少數與雲端產業相關的研究僅限於分析某個基於雲端服務打造的平台。因此,本研究希望填補這方面的理論空白,期望透過「價值共創理論」解釋顧客與雲端服務提供商間的互動。
    最後,本研究得到三項主要發現:(1) 雲端服務提供商與顧客的互動,可透過綜合 Prahalad & Ramaswamy (2004b) 與 Ranjan & Read (2016) 提出之價值共創元素解釋,如此的互動能夠為雙方創造價值;(2) 本研究整理出雙方重視之價值排序,發現雙方認知大致上一致,且目前雙方互動能夠提供顧客其所重視之價值,此為雲端服務提供商與顧客之所以能順利共創價值的一大原因;(3) 本研究整理出雙方共同重視之四個共創要素,若達成越多共創要素,雙方合作則能更加緊密,創造更多價值。
    This study aims to explore how cloud service providers and customers co-create value through interaction. Cloud services are like building blocks, where customers need to assemble different services according to their needs to obtain the desired solutions. However, due to the high complexity of cloud services, most customers lack the capability to use cloud services even if they have the willingness to do so. In such cases, customers need to interact with cloud service providers in order to successfully benefit from the value offered by cloud services. On the other hand, as customers gain more knowledge about the cloud or improve their development, their usage of cloud services from providers also increases, leading to more profits for the cloud service providers. These providers, in turn, utilize these profits to deliver better services, further assisting customers. In summary, it can be observed that the relationship between cloud service providers and customers is symbiotic and mutually beneficial. However, there has been relatively limited research on the perspective of value co-creation in the cloud computing industry. Therefore, this study aims to fill this theoretical gap and hopes to explain the interaction between customers and cloud service providers through the concept of "value co-creation theory."
    This study will primarily explore "how cloud service providers and customers co-create value through interaction?" using an exploratory case study approach. The study will utilize semi-structured in-depth interviews and direct observations by the researcher to examine the prioritization of values, interaction methods, the value generated by these interaction methods, and the co-creation elements valued by both parties.
    Finally, this study presents three main findings: (1) The interaction between cloud service providers and customers can be explained by integrating the value co-creation elements proposed by Prahalad & Ramaswamy (2004b) and Ranjan & Read (2016). (2) The study identifies the prioritization of values valued by both parties and finds that their perceptions are generally aligned. (3) The study identifies four co-creation elements that are mutually valued by both parties. The more co-creation elements are achieved, the closer the collaboration between both parties becomes, resulting in the creation of more value.
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