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    Title: 論環境影響評估因應氣候變遷之法制變革 —以開發行為溫室氣體排放之評估為中心
    Legal Reforms in Response to Climate Change through Environmental Impact Assessment: A Focus on Assessing Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Development Activities
    Authors: 粘媺婕
    Nien, Mei-Chieh
    Contributors: 傅玲靜
    Fu, Ling-Ching
    Nien, Mei-Chieh
    Keywords: 環境影響評估法
    Environmental Impact Assessment
    Climate Change
    Energy Transition
    National Environmental Policy Act
    National Environmental Policy Act Guidance on Consideration of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Climate Change
    Greenhouse Gas Quantification
    Social Cost of Greenhouse Gases
    Alternative Actions
    Mitigation Measures
    Risk Assessment
    Risk Communication
    Risk Management
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2024-03-01 14:07:18 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 為了減緩溫室氣體排放,我國政府推動能源轉型政策,進而促進許多太陽光電、風力發電與天然氣相關的開發案,例如生豐一期兆豐農場太陽光電開發案,以及天然氣第三接收站開發案。然而,針對溫室氣體排放的議題,卻未能於上述開發行為中,成為其環境影響評估的審查核心,甚至於個案中產生破壞碳匯以及仍產生諸多溫室氣體排放之爭議。此現象引發本文進一步探討我國現行環境影響評估法制針對溫室氣體排放的評估規定,是否足以充分揭露開發行為所產生的溫室氣體排放情形,以因應溫室氣體減量之趨勢。


    In order to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions, the government of Taiwan has been promoting an energy transition policy, which has led to the development of many solar photovoltaic, wind power, and natural gas-related projects, such as the first phase of the Seng Feng Megafarm Solar Photovoltaic Development Project and the development of the third natural gas receiving station. However, the issue of greenhouse gas emissions has not been a central focus of environmental impact assessments in the aforementioned development activities, and it has even generated controversies regarding the destruction of carbon sinks and the continued production of greenhouse gases. This phenomenon has prompted this article to further explore whether the current environmental impact assessment regulations in Taiwan are sufficient to adequately disclose the greenhouse gas emissions generated by development activities in response to the trend of greenhouse gas reduction.

    In Taiwan, the regulations for including greenhouse gas emissions in environmental impact assessments are quite simplistic. It only provides an option to check for greenhouse gas reduction in the scope definition guideline table. The reference information for quantifying greenhouse gas emissions only requires an assessment of the construction and operational phases of the development activity and offers some indicative directions for mitigation measures. In contrast, the " National Environmental Policy Act Guidance on Consideration of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Climate Change " released by the United States in 2016 and 2023 provides detailed and practical requirements for incorporating scientific information on greenhouse gas emissions into environmental risk assessments. The steps are as follows: In the first step, quantifying the greenhouse gas emissions generated by the development activity, including the upstream and downstream impacts of the industry, to establish a data comparison baseline. In the second step, monetizing greenhouse gas emissions by multiplying the quantified data by the cost of climate damage caused by one metric ton of greenhouse gases, presenting the impact of the project on climate change in specific monetary terms. This not only highlights the environmental harm caused by government decisions but also assists in comparing and balancing environmental values against other values. In the third step, quantified and monetized data on greenhouse gas emissions are employed to conduct a thorough analysis of alternative actions and mitigation measures. Emphasis is placed on ensuring transparency regarding the negative impacts of the proposed action and its alternatives. This approach allows for scientifically informed decisions to be made by agencies, contributing effectively to climate change goals.

    Comparing the two, it's evident that Taiwan's current environmental impact assessment (EIA) regulations fall short in assessing the impact on climate change. There's a lack of comprehensive industry-wide rules for quantifying greenhouse gas emissions, no requirement to monetize these emissions, and an oversight regarding the importance of alternative solutions. As a result, development activities are rarely evaluated within the EIA process in terms of their impact on greenhouse gas emissions. This hinders our ability to effectively address climate change in various development projects.
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