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    Title: 台灣青年男性的消費韓流與陽剛氣質表演:聚焦於觀展/表演典範的詮釋現象學方法
    Consuming Korean Popular Culture and Masculinity Performance by Young Taiwanese Men: A Hermeneutic Phenomenological Approach Focused on the Spectacle/Performance Paradigm
    Authors: 李律空
    Lee, Yulgong
    Contributors: 康庭瑜
    Kang, Tingyu
    Lee, Yulgong
    Keywords: 陽剛氣質表演
    performance of masculinity
    Korean pop culture
    spectacle/performance paradigm
    hybrid masculinity
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-03-01 14:06:11 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究探討當代台灣青年男性如何在日常生活中透過韓國流行文化的消費來表演他們的陽剛氣質,採用詮釋現象學方法論並在觀展/表演典範(SPP)框架內進行。透過半結構式深度訪談收集的參與者經驗敘事,此研究辨識出七大主題與十九個子主題,揭示以韓國流行文化作為媒介,並結合了由韓國流行文化所媒介,傳統上被視為陰柔氣質的雜衝性與包容性陽剛氣質的轉變。研究結果豐富了現有以陽剛氣質為文化構造的研究視角,顯示由韓國流行文化媒介的陽剛氣質表現不僅僅是陰柔化,而是雜衝性的。研究描述參與者對韓國流行文化的喜好與其陽剛氣質表演之間的雙向動態關係,指出這些青年男性自然而然地被韓國流行文化吸引,同時,他們的消費行為也在塑造他們日常生活中的陽剛氣質表演。
    This study explores how young Taiwanese men who consume Korean pop culture today perform their masculinity in their everyday lives, approaching from a hermeneutic phenomenological methodology and within the Spectacle/Performance Paradigm (SPP) framework. The participants’ experiential narratives collected from in-depth semi-structured interviews identify seven themes and 19 sub-themes, revealing a shift towards a hybrid and inclusive masculinity that incorporates qualities traditionally thought of as feminine, mediated by Korean pop culture. The findings enrich the perspectives of existing studies that view masculinity as a cultural construct and that the representations of masculinity mediated by Korean pop culture are not simply feminized but hybrid. The study describes a bidirectional dynamic between the participants’ affinity for Korean pop culture and their masculine performances, indicating that while these young men are naturally attracted to Korean pop culture, their consumption simultaneously shapes their masculine performances in their daily lives.
    The research highlights how media is crucial in continually negotiating masculinity among these young Taiwanese men. The masculine images mediated by Korean pop culture serve as a spectacle, influencing their imagination and narcissistic self-conscious performance of alternative masculinities. This interaction between audience activity and masculine performance demonstrates the participants’ complex engagement with mediated masculinity, as both audiences and performers. The study concludes that in a media-saturated and consumerist society, the ongoing negotiation of hybridized performances of masculinity would continue with the SPP framework, providing a comprehensive understanding of the interplay between mediated masculine images by Korean pop culture, diffused audiences’ experiences and their masculine performance in contemporary Taiwanese society.
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