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    題名: 企業實踐企業社會責任專案之社會投資報酬(SROI)--以國泰金控大腹翁小腹婆專案為例
    Social Return on Investment of a Corporate Project -- Social Return on Investment of a Corporate Project – A Case of Cathay Financial Holdings' Weight Loss Competition
    作者: 郭亭秀
    Kuo, Ting-Hsiu
    貢獻者: 別蓮蒂
    Lien-Ti, Bei
    Kuo, Ting-Hsiu
    關鍵詞: 企業社會責任
    Corporate Social Responsibility
    Social Return on Investment
    Employee Health
    Weight Loss Interventions
    日期: 2024
    上傳時間: 2024-03-01 14:03:02 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 國泰金控為實踐企業永續、提升參賽員工健康並創造社會共好,自 2016 年起透過「大腹翁小腹婆」減重競賽,以公益方式鼓勵參賽員工減重,迄今 8 年已經累積超過 70,000 人次的參賽員工、參賽員工眷屬等共襄盛舉,後續更結合太陽能發電、長者樂齡活動,達到「參賽員工健康」、「環境減碳」、「社會影響力」的效果。本研究以 2022 年減重競賽為主要研究標的,其主要利害關係人為 2022 年參與減重競賽的國泰金控及其子公司的旗下參賽員工。
    由於此活動舉辦多年,過去也有針對此活動的社會投資報酬率 (Social
    Return on Investment) 效益之探討 (傅瀅芳,2022),本研究希望透過分析 2022年減重競賽之社會投資報酬率成效,在調整計算方式後,與前研究者之結果做比較,以計算出本次活動對於其利害關係人的效益為何,並期待能給予後續研究者在社會投資效益計算上的建議。
    為達成計算社會投資報酬率的目標並和 2021 年減重競賽之研究 (傅瀅芳
    ,2022) 比較後給予企業持續優化活動內容的建議,本研究參考社會投資報酬率指南 (A Guide to Social Return on Investment) 方法 (Nicholls, Lawlor, Neitzert, & Goodspeed, 2012),計算 2022 年減重競賽的社會投資報酬率 (SROI)。本研究在計算上相較前研究者之研究有四個調整處,最終得出三種結果,分別為「衰退因子樂觀估計」、「衰退因子保守估計」和「與 2021 年採用相同計算方式」,內文將依序說明。本研究的計算是依據收回的 6350 份參賽員工有效問卷及 41份眷屬有效問卷;若採用三種計算方法的保守估計法,可得出減重競賽的社會
    投資報酬率為 2.03 元,表示公司在付出的每 1 塊錢,能夠帶給整體社會 2.03 元的價值。
    、增加競賽間課程及活動以加強遞延效果等。此外,也提出計算與健康有關之SROI 的建議,像是新增體重改變價值。最終也進一步針對 SROI 方法提出研究建議,包含納入更多面向的數據以了解活動為參賽者帶來的實質效益,以及預期效益在有長期的真實數據後可更具參考性。
    Cathay Financial Holdings has organized an annual "Weight Loss" competition since 2016, aiming to actualize sustainability principles, enhance employee health, and cultivate a better social impact. The company utilizes a public welfare approach to motivate the participation. Over the past eight years, the competition has attracted over 70,000 participants, including employees and their families. Subsequently, it has expanded to incorporate solar energy and communal activities for seniors, aiming to achieve objectives related to employee health enhancement, carbon emission reduction, and social impact. This study is mainly
    focused on the 2022 weight loss competition, and the main stakeholders are the employees and their family members who participated in the contest.

    Since this competition has been held by Cathay Financial Holdings for more than 8 years and there is existing research regarding it (Fu, 2022), the purpose of this study
    was to calculate the Social Return on Investment (SROI) of the 2022 weight loss competition, to compare the result with the previous research and to give suggestions to future researchers.
    To calculate the SROI of the 2022 Weight Loss Competition, the method of this research is based on A Guide to Social Return on Investment (Nicholls et al ,2012) Notably, four adjustments are made to the methodologies, leading to three distinct results, including "optimistic estimation of drop-off factor," "conservative estimation of drop-off factor," and "the consistent calculation method with the existing research (Fu, 2022)." The study is based on 6,350 valid employee questionnaires and 41 valid family member questionnaires. With conservative estimation method, the SROI of the 2022 weight loss competition is calculated at 2.03 NTD, signifying that every 1 NTD invested by the company indicates a social value of 2.03 NTD.
    Finally, the study presents several suggestions, such as introducing self-challenge awards to motivate the partipation and holding additional health related courses or
    activities to enhance the deferred effects. Additionally, suggestions are also provided for calculating health related SROI, including incorporating value of weight-changing. Furthermore, the study advocates for measuring long-term weight loss maintenance outcomes to accurately reflect the sustained health benefits.
    Methodological recommendations of SROI are also outlined to enhance the validity and comprehensiveness of future research, including incorporating a broader range of data to understand the tangible benefits brought to participants by the activity, and the result would be more informative with long-term recorded data.
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