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Title: | 透過知覺風險理論探討首次投資人的品牌選擇因素-以共同基金為例 Exploring Brand Selection Factors for First-Time Investors Through the Perceived Risk Theory: A Case Study of Mutual Funds |
Authors: | 歐政彣 OU, CHENG,WEN |
Contributors: | 劉慧雯 歐政彣 OU,CHENG,WEN |
Keywords: | 知覺風險 共同基金品牌選擇 網路媒體消息 Perceived Risks Mutual Fund Brand Selection Online Media Messages |
Date: | 2024 |
Issue Date: | 2024-03-01 14:01:45 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 後疫情時代,數位化經濟興起,金融商品推陳出新,基金的組合多樣且複雜,其中共同基金具專業經理人操作,且進入門檻低,受到投資人喜愛。本研究探討首次購買共同基金之投資人,面對網路媒體傳遞出不同的投資環境情境,並且考量資訊風險、實體風險、心理風險、財務風險、績效/功能風險、及社會風險等六種知覺風險範疇下,投資人對於共同基金品牌之選擇與投資意願。研究結果發現,當投資市場充斥著正面訊息時,新手投資者對於風險的敏感度較低,這可能不會對其共同基金品牌的選擇造成太大的影響。但當市場出現負面訊息時,無論是資訊的可靠性、心理上的壓力、財務方面的風險或者基金的實際表現,這些風險會影響投資者對共同基金品牌的選擇。在中立訊息下,只有心理上的壓力和基金的實際表現對投資者的共同基金品牌選擇產生影響。因此,依據前述結果,本文建議共同基金投資人,在基金品牌選擇上,須多角度檢視基金品牌的表現和知覺風險之特性,並且建立穩固的投資策略和心態,以及審慎評估網路媒體消息來源和真實性。 In the post-pandemic era, with the rise of the digital economy and the emergence of innovative financial products, the landscape of investment has significantly evolved. Mutual funds, known for their diversified and complex portfolios managed by professional experts, have gained popularity due to their relatively low entry barriers. This study explores first-time mutual fund investors facing diverse investment environments conveyed through online media. Considering six categories of perceived risks: information, physical, psychological, financial, performance/functional, and social risks, the research investigates their impact on investors' willingness and choices regarding mutual fund brands. The findings reveal that in a market flooded with positive information, novice investors exhibit lower sensitivity to risks, potentially having minimal impact on their mutual fund brand selection. Conversely, when negative information emerges, factors such as information reliability, psychological stress, financial risks, and actual fund performance significantly influence investors' decisions regarding mutual fund brands. Under neutral information, only psychological stress and the actual fund performance affect investors' choices. Based on these results, this study recommends mutual fund investors to adopt a multi-faceted approach in evaluating fund brands and their associated perceived risks. Establishing robust investment strategies and mindsets while cautiously assessing the credibility and sources of online media messages are crucial factors in making informed decisions on mutual fund brand selections. |
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網際網路 瑞興銀行(2021)〈認識共同基金-基金進階篇〉。取至:https://www.taipeistarbank.com.tw/Wealth/FundAdvanced。 |
Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 傳播學院碩士在職專班 109941009 |
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