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Title: | 空氣品質對房價之影響-以臺中市之工業區為例 The Impact of Air Quality on Housing Prices: A Case Study of Industrial Zones in Taichung City |
Authors: | 蔡侑臻 Tsai, You-Jen |
Contributors: | 陳奉瑤 Chen, Feng-Yao 蔡侑臻 Tsai, You-Jen |
Keywords: | 房屋價格 特徵價格模型 PM2.5 克利金法 傳統工業 Housing Prices Hedonic Price Model PM2.5 Kriging Method Traditional Industrial Zone |
Date: | 2024 |
Issue Date: | 2024-03-01 13:58:26 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 隨著環境相關議題興起,人們對於環境品質關注度日漸增加。空氣作為生存三要件之一,其重要性更是不言而喻。有越來越多研究指出空氣品質對生態環境以及人體產生的影響,在健康意識提高之當今社會,也使空氣品質逐漸成為影響房地產市場的一項重要因素。 本研究以臺中市之傳統工業區邊緣5公里為研究對象,使用克利金法推估PM2.5濃度解決空氣品質測站不足之問題後,再將三個傳統工業區依PM2.5濃度分為較低濃度工業區、中等濃度工業區與較高濃度工業區,分別探討PM2.5及公共設施對房價之影響。實證結果顯示不論在哪一個工業區PM2.5皆顯著影響房價,PM2.5越高使房價受到減損;與工業區的反距在較低濃度工業區與較高濃度工業區皆顯著影響房價,且於較高濃度工業區中影響較大;房屋是否位於公園500公尺範圍內在中等濃度工業區與較高濃度工業區中顯著影響房價。在PM2.5影響下,較高濃度工業區中是否位於公園500公尺範圍內的影響程度隨著PM2.5濃度增加而略為提高。 With increasing environmental concerns and a growing emphasis on environmental quality, air, a vital component for survival, has garnered undeniable significance. This study examines the impact of air quality on housing prices, focusing on the vicinity within 5 kilometers of traditional industrial zones in Taichung City. Addressing the shortage of air quality monitoring stations, the Kriging method estimates PM2.5 concentrations, categorizing industrial zones into low, medium, and high PM2.5 concentration areas. The study explores the effects of PM2.5 and public facilities on housing prices, revealing a significant negative impact of PM2.5 on prices across all industrial zones. Proximity to industrial zones influences housing prices, particularly in high PM2.5 concentration areas. Additionally, the study finds that the proximity of a property to a park within a 500-meter radius significantly impacts housing prices in both medium and high PM2.5 concentration zones, with the impact slightly increasing in high concentration zones under the influence of rising PM2.5 concentrations. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 地政學系 110257019 |
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