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Title: | 影響危老重建因素之探討-以臺北市危老核准案件為例 A Study on the Factors Affecting the Reconstruction of Urban Unsafe and Old Buildings -The Case of Taipei City |
Authors: | 張宇蕙 Chang, Yu-Huei |
Contributors: | 白仁德 Pai, Jen-Te 張宇蕙 Chang, Yu-Huei |
Keywords: | 危老重建 都市更新 臺北市 Old and Aging Building Reconstruction Urban Renewal Taipei City |
Date: | 2024 |
Issue Date: | 2024-03-01 13:53:18 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 政府鑑於台灣地震頻繁且社會人口結構已步入高齡少子女化社會,若發生高強度地震將嚴重威脅民眾生命財產及安全,爰於2017年5月10日頒訂《都市危險及老舊建築物加速重建條例》(簡稱危老條例),以加速都市地區危險或老舊建築物之重建,藉由簡化申請流程,例如危老建築物之認定與行政機關審查時間限制,並放寬最小面積限制,讓原本無法循都更條例辦理重建之危老建築物能有重建機制,以達到改善居住環境,提升建築安全與國民生活品質之目的。 危老條例施行迄今已逾6年,至2023年11月底全台總計危老重建核准件數為3,358件,以臺北市案件數為最,共核准891件,核准案件平均面積為620.42平方公尺。此外,由臺北市2017至2022核准案件觀察,危老重建平均取得日數為122日、取得建照平均日數為318日,從取得危老核准到取得建照平均為395日,但逾360日仍未取得建照(含申請中)高達20%。由於危老核准案件平均面積遠小於都市更新最小面積限制,顯示二者目標族群可能不同,所涉影響因素亦應有差異,過往探討危老重建之文獻多由制度面切入或偏重個案討論,本研究則以大量數據分析影響危老重建之因素,以及是否達到加速之目的。 本研究以臺北市2017~2022年6百餘件核准案件為研究樣本,建構「影響危老重建」及「影響危老案取得建造執照」之計量模型,以主觀因素、客觀因素及制度因素等多個變數,並以行政區及使用分區為控制變數,經由二元羅吉斯迴歸分析及多變量線性迴歸分析,找出影響危老重建及其時間之因素。 經由實證分析發現,房價高低與危險條件似非影響危老重建之主要因素,而與開發時間早晚較有關,由地理分布可見危老核准案有朝捷運場站周邊地區發展之趨勢,至於各項容積獎勵項目除時程獎勵外,其餘項目與危老重建關聯性不顯著。在影響時間方面,由於簡化危老建築物之認定及僅以書面審查辦理,未將基地周邊環境納入考量,導致後續建照審核時間受影響,因此建議整體辦理時間尚須將建照核准時間納入考量。 In consideration of the frequent earthquakes in Taiwan and the aging population with a declining birth rate, the government recognized the serious threat posed to the lives, properties, and safety of the public in the event of a high-intensity earthquake, then promulgated the "Statute for Expediting Reconstruction of Urban Unsafe and Old Buildings" on May 10, 2017 (referred to as the unsafe and old buildings reconstruction). The purpose of this statute is to expedite the reconstruction of unsafe and old buildings in urban areas. This is achieved through streamlining the application process, such as the identification of unsafe and old buildings and reducing the administrative review time limits. Additionally, the statute relaxes the minimum area restrictions, enabling previously ineligible unsafe and old buildings to undergo reconstruction under the Urban Renewal Act. The goal is to improve the living environment, enhance building safety, and elevate the overall quality of life for the citizens. This statute has been in effect for over 6 years, and as of the end of November 2023, a total of 3,358 reconstruction approvals have been granted. Taipei City has the highest number of approved cases, totaling 891, with an average approved area of 620.42 square meters. Additionally, based on observations of approved cases in Taipei City from 2017 to 2022, the average number of days to obtain approval for unsafe and old building reconstruction is 122 days, while the average number of days to obtain a construction permit is 318 days. The overall average duration from obtaining unsafe and old building approval to obtaining a construction permit is 395 days. However, a significant portion, 20%, has not obtained a construction permit even after 360 days (including those still in the application process). Since the average area of approved unsafe and old building reconstruction cases is much smaller than the minimum area limit for urban renewal, suggesting potential differences in target demographics. The factors influencing these two types of projects may also differ. While existing literature on unsafe and old building reconstruction often focuses on the institutional aspects or individual case discussions, this study provides a data-driven approach to analyze the factors influencing such reconstruction and assess whether the goal of acceleration has been achieved. This study uses over 600 approved cases in Taipei City from 2017 to 2022 as sample, constructing quantitative models for "Factors influencing unsafe and old building reconstruction" and "Factors influencing the acquisition of construction permits for unsafe and old building cases." The models incorporate subjective factors, objective factors, institutional factors, and several variables, with administrative districts and land-use zones as control variables. Through logistic regression analysis and multiple regression analysis, the study aims to identify the factors affecting unsafe and old building reconstruction as well as the time required for obtaining construction permits in such cases. Through empirical analysis, it was found that the level of housing prices is not a major factor influencing unsafe and old building reconstruction. Instead, the development time appears to be more relevant, with unsafe and old building approvals showing a trend towards areas surrounding metro stations based on geographical distribution. As for various volume incentive projects, aside from schedule incentives, the association with unsafe and old building reconstruction is not significant. Regarding the time factor, the simplification of unsafe and old building identification and the reliance on written reviews without considering the surrounding environment of the site have impacted the subsequent construction permit review time. Therefore, it is recommended to consider the approval time for construction permits in the overall processing time. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 行政管理碩士學程 109921035 |
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