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Title: | 從美台司法實務論台灣導入法庭之友程序之研究 A Study on the Implementation of the Amicus Curiae Procedure in Taiwan From the Perspective of U.S. and Taiwan Judicial Practice |
Authors: | 林建佑 Lin, Chien-Yu |
Contributors: | 熊誦梅 王立達 Hsiung, Sung-Mei Wang, Li-Dar 林建佑 Lin, Chien-Yu |
Keywords: | 法庭之友 美國聯邦最高法院 美國聯邦最高法院審理規則 憲法訴訟法 智慧財產案件審理法 Amicus Curiae Supreme Court of the United States Rules of the Supreme Court Constitutional Court Procedure Act Intellectual Property Case Adjudication Act |
Date: | 2024 |
Issue Date: | 2024-03-01 13:47:48 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究目的在於探討美國法庭之友制度導入我國的程序運作之研究。以三個面向進行論述:一、美國法庭之友制度的沿革、發展及定位,二、比較美國與我國的法庭之友制度與實務,三、研析法庭之友制度的必要性與影響層面。依據所蒐集的資料進行分析比較後發現:法庭之友制度在美國的司法程序的定位,非全然符合「法庭之友」原來的目的,或有變成為「利益團體遊說法官採取特定見解」的疑慮。惟即便如此,美國法庭之友的發展經驗仍值得我國法院借鏡,像是其審理規則如何因應與處理大量書狀,如何辦理有關貢獻者資訊之揭露等等,我國司法當局於引進法庭之友制度後,仍應該持續關注國內外法庭之友制度的發展並持續進行制度改善,以形成適切於台灣司法程序的法庭之友制度。 The purpose of this study is to investigate the operation of the amicus curiae system in Taiwan after its introduction from the United States. The study is structured around three main aspects: (1) the historical development and positioning of the amicus curiae system in the United States, (2) a comparative analysis of the amicus curiae systems and practices in the United States and Taiwan, and (3) an analysis of the necessity and impact of the amicus curiae system. Based on the data collected and analyzed, it has been found that the positioning of the amicus curiae system in the United States' judicial process does not entirely align with the original purpose of "friends of the court," and there are concerns that it may have turned into a means of "lobbying judges to adopt specific viewpoints by interest groups". However, even with these concerns, the development experience of the amicus curiae system in the United States is still worth considering for Taiwanese courts, such as how its court rules address and manage a large volume of pleadings and how it handles the disclosure of contributor information. Therefore, even after the introduction of the amicus curiae system in Taiwan's judicial system, it is essential for judicial authorities to continue monitoring the development of amicus curiae systems both domestically and internationally and to continually improve the system to make it suitable for Taiwan's judicial procedures. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 法學院碩士在職專班 106961032 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106961032 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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